Chapter 3

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Hal gasp when he saw it was a vine monster dragging people and putting them inside some kind of coon leaf. Carol raise a brow and spotted Barry and Iris.

"There! " Carol said pointing at them.

"Good eyes. Let's go! " Hal said and flew to them while the monster was busy getting people.

Iris wave at Carol and Hal who got next to them.

"Oh hey guys. Care to join the party. There even some party hats! " Iris said dramatic making Barry roll his eyes.

Hal chuckle and made a leaf cutter and snip the vines of Iris making her fall on Carol's arms. Hal cut the vines for Barry and caught him in his arms and smiled.

"Hey beautiful. " Hal flirted making Barry blush.

"Focus onthe monster. Not me GL. " Barry said while looking anywhere but Hal.

Hal chuckle and look at the monster that was walking down the path.

"Seems like the monster dumb cause it didn't even notice use taking away these two. " Carol said flying next to Hal.

"Yeah. Seems like it's a new born. " Barry said looking at Carol.

"So that mean Poison Ivy should be here. " Iris said looking around.

"No. This isn't like Ivy. She usually lets her new born somewhere safe. I think someone stole this new born from her. " Hal said watching the new born grab a coon and suck on it.

"You need to contact Batman, GL. " Barry said making Hal nod.

They landed and Hal called up Bruce who told them that he was on his way with Poison Ivy, and Harley already. Once they got there Ivy jump off the plane and called for the new born with Harley holding a planet chemical  for the new born.

"Oh darling I am sorry. Someone stolen you from me. Come here to momma. " Ivy said watching the baby vine monster release the people and crawl to Ivy shifting smaller and smaller.

Ivy smiled and pick up the small baby vine monster and watch Harley give the baby the bottle. Ivy and Harley smiled and walk to Batman who was watching them. Hal and Barry was there to while Carol and Iris were cooing at the baby.

"How did it get here? " Barry ask Bruce who was also trying to figure out too.

"That blasted Two Face that's how. He stolen some of my plant from my planet house. I been looking for this one the most. " Ivy said angrily while Harley was feeding the baby.

"Well that's a start. I will give you information on who Two face sold the planets. " Bruce said while nodding at Barry who nod back.

They watch the jet leave with Ivy and Harley including the new born and left central city.

"Whelp that was a date. " Carol said pulling her ring off.

"Tell me about it. All my hard work for NOTHING!! " Iris growled.

Hal chuckle and pulled his ring off.

"I wouldn't say it was for nothing Iris. " Hal said pulling Barry close and kissing him deep making Barry eyes go wide and blushing deep red.

Iris cheered while Carol chuckle and shook her head. All it took was a little new born monster help.
A/N: Sorry sorry. I know it's shot but don't worry next one will probably be long.

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