Chapter 9

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"Undercover?" Barry questioned.

Making Dinah, Mari, Carol, and Diana nod.

"Yes honey. Neither of us want to be the woman in distress because were taken and Diana hates being a distress woman." Mari said while Diana nod.

"That's why were call you here. So you can dress up and be our undercover spy." Dinah smiled sweetly while Barry sigh.

"Okay what do i have to do." Barry smiled.

Barry didn't have the heart to say no because Barry love these girls like their his sisters. The girl squeal and Carol ran to get the red beautiful dress. Barry blush and look at the red dress while the girls smiled.

"I made it honey. Just your style." Mari said smiling proudly.

Barry gulp and stood up looking at the beautiful red dress and nod.

"Okay let's do this!" Barry said with both his hands in a fist while the girls cheer.

~At The Mansion~

Hal smiled at his friend, Jacob, who invited him to his boss party.

"Thanks Hal. I didn't think you make it." Jacob said making Hal smile.

"Hey and blow down this party please." Hal said but wish his best friend was here. "So what's this party about?"

Hal looked at Jacob who smiled and pointed at the a beautiful woman statue.

"Boss man got that from somewhere I guess and he wanted to celebrate on having it i guess." Jacob shrug and look around.

Hal glare at the statue feeling like he seen that statue from somewhere but couldn't put his finger on it. Then Hal spotted a red dress from all the other dresses and watch the figure move. Then gasp when the figure came in to view. Hal was looking at the beautiful blond female who was wearing a red dress with black heels and red lips stick on. Hal smiled believing that the female could be Barry's female version. The female was walking around looking at pictures and items while Hal just watch. Jacob also notice and lean close to Hal while staring.

"What a beauty. You think she single?" Jacob ask making Hal look at Jacob.

"I don't know. Hey what are you doing!?." Hal said while Jacob push him.

Hal wasn't into her because his heart belong to Barry. Once Hal got closer to female who look at them and blush deep red when she saw Hal making him raise a brow when she look down. Jacob was smirking and push Hal to the female making Hal stubble to her and making her fall but Hal caught her but gasp.

"B-bear." Hal whisper making Barry blush.

"Shhsss." Barry put his hands on Hal's mouth while Hal was checking Barry out. "I'm undercover."

Hal nod and stood up helping Barry stand. Barry put a ear piece on Hal's ear hearing Dinah talking to him.

"Hal act natural and help Barry out."Dinah said making Hal smirk.

"I am sorry I could resist from looking away from your beauty." Hal said making Barry blush while Jacob was smirking.

Barry blush and let Hal kiss his hand while Hal looked at Barry.

"Would you mind accompanying me with this party if you don't mind." Hal said sticking his arm out.

"O-of course. I'm uh Bubbles" Barry said while wrapping his hand around Hal's arm

Hal chuckle while Barry smack his arm. Jacob said hi to Barry who said hi back. Then they walk around and Barry spotted the statue. Hal notice Barry glaring at the statue and told Jacob to tell Barry about the statue.

"Why won't I do it. Jacob who is this beautiful lady." Jacob's boss said while kissing Barry's hand.

Hal glare at Jacob's boss while Jacob told his boss Barry fake name.

"Also she taken boss." Jacob said backing up his friend.

"Oh what a shame. Anyways the statue here is a beautiful woman statue that makes the beautiful women in world be under the spell of the man that owns the statue but it just a legend." Jacob's boss said while putting his arm around Barry's waist.

"Why don't you join me at the V.I.P table." The boss said making Barry chuckle.

"Oh I am sorry but I'm with my lover."Barry said walk to Hal's arm.

Hal wrap his arms around Barry's waist while Barry smiled at the boss who sigh.

"Very well. You'll soon see the magic around this room. Take care of her, Hal." Boss man said and left them alone.

"Shit I have to go. See you after the speech man and have fun with Bubbles." Jacob smirk and took off leaving Hal and Barry.

"Barry that's the statue. We need to get it out of there now!" Diana said making Hal and look at Barry.

"How Diana it is like protect by guards and cover by people." Hal said back but gasp when the speaker were heard.

"Ladies and gentle men we are here today to celebrate the my new statue collection and I would want to thanks all these beautiful ladies for coming mostly you Bubbles." Boss man said making Barry look away while Hal held Barry close.

Boss man smirk and press the button on the remote that he had and the statue eyes started glowing pink and getting all the women attention. All the women looked at the statue and then the statue blasted a ray of pink light at each women's eyes. The men gasp and watch the friends or lover become undercontrol by the statue.

"Barry!!"the girls shot in the ear piece.

Barry was shaking holding on to Hal's suit tightly. The statue only attract women that were in love with men and Barry was gay making him be able to get control by the statue if he look.

"Hal keep holding Barry! Make sure he doesn't look at the statue!!" Carol order.

Hal held his best friend close while the boss man growled and order his guards to take Hal away. Hal growled and held Barry close by holding his head close to his chest.

"My beautiful ladies take these gentle men out the party!" Boss man said watching the women do what he said.

Hal growled and step back from the guards who were walking forward while Barry was trying hard not to look at the statue that was calling to him. Then Carol crash in the party.

"Sorry I'm late couldn't find my way around." Carol smirk.

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