Chapter 12

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Barry groan while pulling himself up from bed but smiled. Next to him was Hal who was shirtless and had his arm around Barry. Barry sigh and lay back down smiling so brightly while looking at Hal's peaceful face.

'I can't believe me and Hal are together now. I hope this isn't a dream at all because if it is i never want to wake up.' Barry smiled and cuddle close to him.

Hal yawn and open his eyes and smiled at Barry who look at him back.

"Good morning Bear." Hal said kissing Barry who chuckle and kiss back.

"Morning Hal." Barry said feeling Hal hug him tight.

Hal smiled so bright remembering back at the beach. Once they were finish and got clean they walk out the cave but with Hal carrying Barry only to get tackle by Iris who was screaming and fangirling out.

"Omgomgomgomg you fuck Barry. You fucking fuck him omg!!!!" Iris cheered while hugging Barry who blush.

"Iris keep it down." Carol and Hal said while they were leaving the beach with people looking at him weird.

Iris was babbling about them and how she plans to tell everyone including Dinah.

Now its been five day of them being together after the beach and today was the last day of their deal with the goddess.

Hal chuckle and look at Barry who yawn too and stretch his arms. Hal sat up and watch Barry get out the bed and grab Hal's shirt which was to big for him covering him all the way to his waists. Hal got out too and went to Barry holding him close making Barry chuckle.

"Hal." Barry smiled while Hal cuddle close.

"Come on we should eat breakfast." Hal said grabbing Barry in his arms making him laugh.

"Hahaa Hal I can walk."Barry laughing while wrapping his arms around Hal's neck.

Hal smirk and rub Barry's smooth beautiful leg while Barry blush and smack them lightly. Hal chuckle and walk down stairs and went to the kitchen to only stop.

"Kilowog? Kyle?" Hal question while Barry gasp.

Kilowog and Kyle were there in the kitchen with Kyle drinking coffee and Kilowog standing.

"Ops sorry Hal I didn't think you were with someone." Kyle blush seeing that Barry's leg were showing.

Barry blush deep red while Hal glare at his friends putting his lover down. Barry quickly grab Iris's nightgown that she left and put it on fast and stood behind Hal feeling exposed while Hal stood in front of his lover with his arms cross.

"What now." Hal said while looking at his friends.

"Perhaps we should talk private." Kilowog said looking at Barry not knowing he's the flash.

Barry being Barry smiled polity and nod his head in understanding and kiss Hal who apologize softly and watch Barry walk up stairs. Once Barry was gone Hal glare at the both Green lanterns.

"Really. Like right now! You could have come i don't know TOMORROW!!!" Hal said raising his hands up.

Kyle chuckle nervously while Kilowog rolled his eyes.

"Listen Jordan we were sent here to tell you that the queen of the Star Sapphire will be hunted down but we don't know who yet." Kilowog said serious making Hal look at him.

"You mean someone after Carol." Hal said looking long at his friends..

"Yeah. They want her because she can control the beast and how powerful she is with the Star Sapphire power." Kyle said looking at Hal worried.

Hal nod and look at Kilowog and Kyle.

"Does Carol know?" Hal ask looking at his friends.

"Yes her people let her know right away." Kyle said making Hal nod.

"Okay I'll keep a watch on her and her lover too." Hal said but knew it wasn't over yet. "What else is there?"

"Their also after a blue lantern but were not sure who." Kilowog said while Kyle nod.

"Okay. Not only the mystery villain is after Star Sapphires queen but a blue lantern too. What more could be coming." Hal sigh while Kilowog and Kyle shrug.

Barry was out off the shower and had just wrap a towel around his waist and went to look for some clothes. He wanted to know what they were talking about but Barry knew Hal was gonna tell him later. Barry grab some comfortable sweats and put on red boxers and then put on the black sweat. Then the door open with Hal pulling his hair back and sighing.

"Is everything okay?" Barry ask concerned while Hal smiled sweetly at Barry and held him close.

"Yeah...will kinda.." Hal said smelling Barry's hair which smelt really nice. "Just that some unknown villain wants to kidnap Carol and a blue lantern which we don't know who yet." Hal said while Barry look worried.

"Does Carol know and tbmhe Blue Lantern corp!?" Barry ask making Hal smile.

"Yeah she know and she on guard including her people including the Blue Lanterns." Hal said making Barry sigh in relief.

"Okay." Barry said but gasp when he was pick up once again in Hal's arms. "H-Hal!"

"Why don't we get our breakfast since we were interrupted." Hal said opening the door with his ring and walking down stairs.

"Okay okay." Barry chuckle and was sat down on the counter and was then kiss by Hal who smiled and made the kissing deeper. Barry moan and held Hal close who groan and held Barry closer making Barry wrap his arms around his waist. Hal then let Barry breath and attack his neck kissing and biting making Barry pant softly and hold Hal close.

"H-Hal..." Barry panted while Hal nibble on Barry's soft spot making Barry moan Hal's name.

"What Barry. What do you need?" Hal said while biting and sucking on his soft spot.

"I-I...ah...H-Hal I n-need you." Barry whine making Hal smirk.

"Well its time to eat my breakfast. " Hal smirk and was pulling Barry's sweat off and kissing slowly to his stomach all the way down.

"H-Hal." Barry whine softly leaning back.

"Barry." Hal groan.


"OH FUCKING COME ON!!!" Hal shouted while Barry gasp.

"Hal shut the fuck up and open the god dam door!!! I left my spear keys at my house and Iris lost her somewhere in my room!!!" Carol shouted behind the door.

Barry jump off the counter and pulled his sweats up and dash to the door opening it with a red face.

"Honey bear your face is red. Did we interrupt." Iris said holding Barry's face.

"Uh yes you fucking did." Hal growled while Carol push him.

"Oh who cares you could have fuck him years ago but noooo you pussy out. Now lets get down to business." Carol said sitting down on the chair.

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