Chapter 7

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They had just left the Blue Lantern corp and Hal was carrying a sleepy Barry who was holding a blue ring that belong to him.

"Tired aren't you bear. " Hal said softly.

Barry smiled and nod cuddling close to Hal who blush and look ahead seeing Earth showing including the watch tower.

'Maybe we should land there. My ring will need a charge after all. " Hal said heading to the Watch Tower.

He lands and walk inside and found out that no one was here. Not even Batman.

"Huh. " Hal said and walk forward with Barry still cuddling close to Hal's chest.

Hal walk to the guest room if the heroes ever wanted to stay and laid Barry on the comfortable bed. Barry flutter his eyes and look at Hal who took off his ring but Barry gasp. Hal was shirtless. His jet suit was burn by Sinestro attack only leaving his pants on. Barry tried his best to look away but couldn't. Hal pulled his arms forward showing off his muscle and making Barry blush some more. Hal knew Barry was watching and kept stretching his arms and finally stop. When Hal turn around he saw Barry face red like his suit.

"Bear. Are you alright your red? " Hal said placing his hand on Barry's forehead making him blush even more cause Hal's chest was close to his face.

"U-u-hhhh I-I ummm...." Barry stutter and look down while Hal look at Barry confused. "I'm peachy. "

Hal smiled and nod his head and went to his draws and took out a pair of clean pant and a muscle shirt.

"I'm going to take a quick shower and charge my ring later. You can sleep for a while Barry. " Hal smiled while Barry smile back.

"Sure. O-okay. " Barry said watching Hal walk out his room.

Barry sigh and shook his head trying to take the image of Hal being shirtless away....kinda. Barry got off the bed and look around Hal's room seeing a picture of Hal and himself together as little kids with his mom and Hal's dad smiling in the background. Barry grab the photo and smile.

'The good old days. ' Barry thought and place the photo down softly.

Barry sigh and went through Hal's draws and saw some shorts and a green lantern shirt making him chuckle.

"He won't mind me borrowing these now would he. " Barry smiled and place the blue ring on the nightstand and took his clothes off and put the green lantern shirt on and the black shorts.

Hal's shirt was too big for Barry making the right sleeve lean down showing off his right shoulder.

"Oh well. " Barry said but yawn softly.

He climb ontop of the bed and snuggle close to the pillow and finally fell asleep.

~The Showers~

Hal groan while he stroke himself and was thinking about Barry. How he look all adorable, how he would look if he was underneath him moaning his name, begging for Hal to go harder, and how Barry who just moan even more. With Barry gasping and holding onto Hal while Hal keep thrusting into him.

"Barry! " Hal gasp and shudder when he came and place his hand on the wall while talking deep breathes. "Hehee I have it bad. "

Hal sigh and wash himself again and came out the shower feeling fresh. He rub his face with the towel and put the black sweats on including the muscle shirt and shook his hair. He went to his charging room and charge hisbring saying the oath. Once he was done he went walking back to his room barefoot.

"Hey bear hungry. I thought..." Hal stop when he saw Barry sleeping on his bed with his clothes on that fit him to big. Hal blink and was blushing because Barry look like a puppy sleeping.

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