Chapter 4

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Iris was painting Barry's left nails red while Barry was reading a book with his right hand.(Oh hush. I do that with my gay best friend.😛)

"Hey Barry. Do you want to go to Jitter with me tomorrow morning before I go to work? " Iris ask looking at her best friend.

Iris was bum out that what happen with Hal kissing Barry and the baby vine monster was all a FREAKING DREAM!!! Iris yelled in anger that her OTP wasn't cannon YET! Oh this just made her plan even more greater.

"Isn't Carol taking you? " Barry ask looking at his Iris who sigh.

" gorgeous girlfriend is taking care of your bae. " Iris smirk while Barry blush and look back at his book.

"Me and Hal are best friend Iris. Were not in a relationship. " Barry said while Iris groan.

"Whyyyyy..." She sigh and grab Barry other hand making him drop the book.

"Okay fine. I will go with you better. " Barry said smiling at Iris who was was glaring at the nail polish deadly.

"Yup. Now don't move or i will kill you. " Iris said and started painting.

~With Carol and Hal~

Hal sigh while pulling his hair back. What wouldn't he give to see Barry's bright smile and deep beautiful blue eyes. Hal smiled and thought about Barry being with him. Between his arms and cuddling close to him while watch Netflix. Hal was smirking like a goof.

Carol raise a brow at Hal and shook her head.

'Why are you so slow Hal. ' Carol thought while looking at her computer again.

She walk straight toward Hal who was still in Barry land making Carol roll her eyes. She then landed a hard smack on Hal back head.

"Owww!!! Carol!! " Hal said glaring at her.

Carol smirk and walk forward.

"Since your out of 'Imagining if Barry would wear a red dress or blue' land. Can we get back to work Hal. " Carol said giving Iris a quick text about Hal's train of thought.

Hal rolled his eyes and follow Carol who smirk at the text she got from Iris making Hal raise a brow at her.

"So how are you and Iris doing Carol. " Hal ask while looking through his wallet.

"Me and Iris are wonderful thank you for asking Hal. " Carol smiled and looked at Hal to smile brighter. "What is that? "

Carol snatch the photo from Hal's hand and chuckle.

"Awww is that you and Barry. You two look so adorable. " Carol cooed while looking at Hal hug Barry who was laughing and holding Hal's arms close.

"H-hey CAROL! Give that back. " Hal snatch back not knowing she took a pic with her watch phone.

"Hehee oh Hal when will you make a move. " Carol chuckle while opening the door to a other room.

"What are you talking about. " Hal said knowing what she meant.

"I mean when are you gonna make a move on cute little Barry. " Carol chuckle while walking down the stairs.

"Ughh Carol you have to stop. I don't think Barry likes me like that. " Hal sigh making Carol look at him sadly.

"How do you know if you don't try it Hal. " Carol said encouraging her friend making him smile.

"Thanks. " Hal said and went to the testing jet prototype.

Carol smiled and went to the computers with other men behind there. They were watching Hal get inside and Carol started talking to Hal about the jet and all.

~With Iris and Barry~

Iris had some sunglasses on while Barry was next to her eating a frozen yogurt. Iris smirk when she saw a picture of the Flash and Green Lantern on the newpaper with both their arms around their shoulders.

"Best work ever. "Iris smiled while showing Barry her work.

Barry chuckle with a blush and looking at the heading.

"Friend or More? Wow Iris. " Barry smiled making Iris chuckle.

"Hey a girl gotta get a story. Why not this. " Iris smirk and point Barry.

Barry smiled but spotted something yellow in the sky.

"Hey do you see that yellow dot? " Barry ask Iris who look up too.

"Uhh Barry that's the sun. " Iris raise a brow at Barry who grab Iris head and made look where he was looking. "Oh. Wait isn't that.."

Before Iris could finish a yellow blasted beam went straight towards them.

"Move!! " Barry shouted and push Iris out the way before they got hit.

Barry and Iris look at the back to see a hole where they were standing. When Iris look up she gasp.

"I-Isn't that Hal's enemy? " Iris whisper looking at the yellow lantern.

"Sinestro. " Barry hiss while looking at Sinestro who was looking around.

"Ah there you are. " Sinestro said and aim at Barry and Iris.

Barry cover Iris thinking he was after her but he was after him.

"BARRY!! " Iris gasp when Sinestro beamed him in a circle. "Let him go!! "

Iris threw a rock at Sinestro who dodge it.

"Sorry my dear but I need him for Hal Jordan if you know him. This man is very important to him and I plan to use him. Now well you excuse me I have a lantern to meet. " Sinestro said and flew up.

"BARRY!!!! " Iris shouted while Barry was looking at Iris.

Iris watch and started crying but got her phone out and dial a certain number.

~With Carol~

Carol smiled when Hal was flying great and not messing around but gasp when her phone started ringing. She told Hal to stop for a minute and to take a break. She got her phone and saw Iris name making her smile.

"Hey bae what happen. " Carol smiled while watching Hal get off.

"C-Carol! I-I. Oh my god I-I couldn't h-help him..oh god!! " Iris choke while crying some more.

Carol stop and look at her phone more serious and worried.

"Iris. Iris. Calm down. What happen? Why are you crying? Who couldn't you save? "carol ask loudly making Hal look at her concerned.

Good thing the other men left the room. Hal ran to Carol side and look at Carol who was looking so worried.

"BARRY I COULDN'T SAVE HIM!! " Iris cried out.


A/N: Hey guys I am still alive and moving just been sooooo busy with school. Ughh anyways hope you like it and yes I have Sinestro hahhaha.

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