Chapter 10

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Carol blasted at the guards and women while Hal went after boss man. His friend frown and ran somewhere.

"Wonder woman!" Hal smiled when Diana block the bullet that were fired at him.

"Go! Save Barry!" Diana order and flew to help Carol.

Hal flew after boss man who was dragging Barry who was in his own mind fighting the power of the statue himself.

~Barry's Mind~

Barry gasp when he was push down and look up to see fake Hal over him smirking the same smirk his Hal would do to make Barry melt.

"Let me go!" Barry shouted while the goddess of control and truth step forward.

"Oh sweet speedster why do you hide the truth from your charming friend?" the goddess ask Barry who look at his side.

"W-what are y-you talking about?!" Barry ask while gasping when fake Hal kiss his neck.

Barry struggle to get lose but felt his body enjoying the pleasure.

"P-please stop." Barry whisper making the goddess sigh.

She snap her fingers and fake Hal disappeared making Barry sigh in relief.

"Don't worry darling soon Wonder woman will break my prison and let me free from that curses statue that I was trap for over a thousand years." the goddess said sitting next to Barry.

" your not in control of all this.." Barry ask sitting up.

"Of course not. I would never maked anyone be in my control unless I want them to be." she said looking at Barry. "Anyways you didn't answer my question darling."

Barry blush and look down while pointing his fingers together.

"W-well yeah...I do love my friend Hal so much that it pains me to see him flirting with other...." Barry said while the goddess nod.

"Hmm will my dear. You must face your fear if you wish happiness with your love." she said looking at Barry with soft eyes. "Perhaps I could help by making your true feeling take control over you."

Barry blush deep red and shook his head while shaking his hands.

"Nononoonono I am good. Thanks for the offer though your goddess." Barry smiled sweetly making the goddess coo.

"Oh my child you remind me of a baby golden retriever." the goddess smiled and felt their prison world falling to pieces. "Oh seems like your friends had destroy the statue. I wish you luck my dear Barry and I hope you get your happiness with the one call Hal Jordan. " she smiled and then everything went white.

~Real World~

Carol and Diana smiled when the statue tremble down with all the girls that were under it control too. Hal had just watch his friend punch his boss and giving Hal a best shot to blast him away. Hal caught Barry and held him close to him.

"Freedom!! Take you heroes for saving me." The goddess said smiling at the female warriors and Hal too. "For your awards I will let have a full week of peace so you heroes can rest. Goodbye!"

The goddess disappeared leaving the heroes. Then the women started waking up and the polices arrived handcuffing the boss man and his men.

"Thanks for the help cillivan." Hal said still holding Barry while looking at his friend.

"No problem green lantern. Just couldn't let boss man take my closes friend girl away. I better get going now." Hal's friend wave and left.

Hal nod and look at the ladies who were busy helping the women and decide he should leave with Barry. Carol look at Hal and nod her head giving him permission to leave. Hal flew away to Barry's house and landed in front of the door and open it with his spare key. He went inside and took his ring off and went up stairs to Barry's room.

He then took the beautiful dress that Barry was wearing and long blond wing off too. He also taken off the make up and put Barry in comfortable clothes and cover him up.

"Shame that I couldn't have you to myself dress like that Bear. I would have had you begging me and calling my name..." Hal whisper and kiss Barry's forehead and pull back. "Perhaps one day but for now....we stay as friends even if it kills me..."

Hal sigh and was about to leave Barry's room until he heard him whimper his name.

"H-Hal...please..." Barry moan while turning to his right. "D-don't leave me.....I'm sorry...please don't leave me..."

Hal quickly went to Barry and sat on his bed holding Barry close to him rubbing his arms.

"Shsss bear. It's just a nightmare...I would never leave you ever." Hal said while kissing Barry's forehead once again.

Barry then calm down and snuggle close to Hal who sigh and lay Barry down in the bed. He then took off his suit and got in black shorts that were to big for Barry and were his size and climb in bed shirtless. He pulled Barry close when he heard Barry whimpering again and smiled when Barry cuddle close to him.

"Goodnight my beautiful speedster." Hal said smiling and watching Barry sleep until he felt his eyes close and went to sleep too.

What he didn't see was that a certain violet light was outside Barry's window and was smiling sweetly at the two dorks and sigh.

"Oh Hal...when will you see that Barry loves you too." Carol chuckle and flew away to her house to check on Iris who was asleep on her bed too.

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