Chapter 17

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"Why did you bring me the FLASH, Julian!!!!" the female alien growled making the green alien name, Julian, look down.

"I'm sorry Solar but he's the Blue lantern of Earth." Julian said making Solar sigh and rub his forehead.

"Well at least you succeed on your task. I got the Queen too. Take the Flash with her but make sure you make him wear this collar." Solar said giving Julian the inhibitor collar.

Julian nodded and walk to the room where the Queen of Sapphire was being held. He place Barry down gentle and look at Carol who was still unconscious. He sighed and look at a pendent making him frown.

"Soon you'll be back my friend....." Julian whisper and walk out the room leaving both our heros.


"Hal calm down!" Dinah shouted while watching Hal look at Dinah.

"NO!!! Barry out there probably get hurt or worst. We need to find him!!" Hal said while looking at Bruce and Clark.

Before Bruce can say anything John and Kyle flew in a rush and flying to Hal making him look at them.

"Hal the Queen of Sapphire has also been kidnap!" Kyle said worried.

Hal eyes went wide, Dinah and Diana stood up when Kyle finish his sentence.

"No not Carol too." Diana said angry.

Hal was shaking in anger and terror knowing that the people he care for are in the grasp of the villain's hands and not knowing what their gonna do to them. John but his hand on Hal's shoulder making him look at him.

"Don't worry Hal. Will find them together and we will help you get them safely.

Hal nod and flew down with John. Hal told Kyle to tell the Guardians making him nod. Sister Sercy was taken back to her home planet and the Blue lanterns wanted to help the league to save Barry because he a Blue lantern too including the Star Sapphire who also need to save their queen. Iris wa right now in charge so the people wouldn't panic but she also wanted to help too. Hal took a deep breath and nod at John who smiled and let go of his shoulder.

"What do we do Batman to save our friends." Hal said looking at Bruce.

~Unknown Planet~

Barry groan and look around but gasp when he didn't feel the speed force within himself. Carol reach out to Barry's shoulder and smiled softly at him and pointed at her neck making him look there too. He groan when he saw it was the inhibitor collar around his neck and making him unable to use his powers.

"They caught you too huh." Barry said looking at Carol who nod.

"Yes. The female alien manage to catch us off guard and attack us. We were winning but then she threaten to kill Iris because she had a alien bug inside her waiting for her command to kill her.....I-I...just couldn't let her die Barry....." Carol said sadly knowing she failed her people and Iris but Barry smiled.

"Hey i believe your people respected your choice to save the love of your life and you're their Queen. They respect and love you Carol. No one perfect." Barry smiled making Carol smiled back.

"Exactly!"Solar said walking forward.

Carol growled but gasp when she couldn't move her body at all just like Barry.

"Forgive me Flash and your majesty but i forgot to introduce ourselves. I am Solar Pillar and this here is my husband friend Julian River." Solar said while holding her hands together.

Carol glare at them but gasp softly when she felt pain and anger on Solar when she got closer to her.

"What do you Solar?" Barry ask making Solar look at Barry.

" are truly a great hero that our people beloved so much." Solar said looking at Barry up and down. "I can see why..."

Julian watch as Solar started marking some symbols on Barry and Carol seeing the marking glowing bright with their color of their lantern. She smiled brightly and look at Julian who nod and started making the heroes move from their spot. Barry gasp when they were walking towards a ship and look at Carol who was looking at Solar who was smirking all the way to the ship.They got inside the ship and Solar sat in front of the main control and type down some unknown language that Barry and Carol were unfamiliar too.

"To the ruins!!" Solar smiled brightly making Julian nod. "Julian take them to the prison cell until we reach our destination. "

Julian nod and made Carol and Barry walk forward and down to the ship cells and making Barry and Carol go inside the cell. Julian nod and left them alone and going back up stairs. Carol just watch Julian leave the room and look back to Barry who was watching her.

"What are you up to girl?" Barry ask while Carol looking back at the door.

"I don't know but i have a feeling....." She said softly while making her hands into fist.

~Justice League~

Hal and John were flying through space with Fatality next to Hal and Saint Walker next to Hal and the Justice league were waiting for them to find the location so they can be teleport there by Zatanna and Dr. Fate. Hal look at Fatality who was mad and angry to herself for letting her queen and best friend get kidnap from her and Saint Walker was worried for Barry but he had hope that he was okay. John put a hand on Hal's shoulder making him look at John.

"Don't worry Hal....we will save them." John said making Hal smile.

"Okay..." Hal nod and flew faster with the others behind.

Hal just hope that nothing had happen to his lover and closes friend in the grips of the villain but the heroes don't know s that the villain has a plan to make our two heroes become something and risking a life of both heroes.  

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