#11- Markiplier and Friends PAX Panel

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Y/C/N: Your Channel Name
Y/N/N: Your Nick Name
Third Person POV
You are a YouTuber with a channel consisting of over seven million subscribers. It seems like wherever you go in your hometown, there isn't someone who doesn't recognise you from your videos or Jacksepticeye's or Markiplier's. You've been friends with them for two years now and your most popular series on your channel is GTA V Online with Mark and Seán, but you haven't even met each other in person yet...
This year's PAX is your perfect opportunity.

You've been invited alongside Mark and Seán to be apart of the 'Markiplier and Friends' panel. You couldn't wait because you wouldn't only see your online best friends but you would do a panel together! However, you were nervous. This is surprisingly your first panel and you had no idea what happens. Your viewers have been trying to persuade you to do a panel for a long time and now it's finally time. You just hoped you wouldn't let your fans down.

Your POV
"Y/N?" Seán spotted me through the crowd of people lining up for Rick And Morty VR. I turned around and I couldn't believe he was standing in front of me. My internet best friend was here with me. He looked even better in person than he does in his videos.

"Oh my God, hey Seán!" I got out of the line and walked towards him. He pulled me into a big hug. "It's great to finally meet you in person!"

"Likewise!" We drew away from the embrace. "Do you know when Mark is getting here?"

"BOOPER DOOPER!" A sudden deep-voiced shout came from behind us. We both turned around and saw Mark walking towards us. Seán and I both laughed. "Hey guys!"

"BOOPER DOOPER!" Seán shouted back at him. With a chuckle, Mark greeted Seán with a bro-hug.

"Hey, Mark." Mark and I hugged.

"Damn, you're even prettier in real life than in your videos!" Mark told me with a smirk and a wink. I playfully slapped his arm.

"Watch it red-head." I warned him. "What time is the panel?"

"One p.m." Mark replied.

"Which means we have time to have a look around here." Seán said holding his arms out to his sides and spinning around. I giggled at his goofiness.

"You ready, Cargo Crasher?" Mark asked and Seán laughed.

"What have I told you about that nickname?" I crossed my arms.

In one of the episodes of GTA we did, I managed to crash a cargo jet within the first minute of controlling it. Let's just say, it took me a while to learn to control a jet on that game.

"I'm sorry but you'll always be our Cargo Crasher, Y/N." Mark responded, still chuckling away to himself.

"Fine." I gave in with an eye roll.
We spent the next few hours looking around PAX and we also met up with Felix and Bob and Wade on the way. Everyone is so friendly!

Seán, Mark and I entered the Polaris photo booth and took some pictures; some silly, some nice and some where Felix, Bob and Wade photobombed them.

My favourite photo was where we were all putting on a facade; Seán was kissing my right cheek, Mark was on my left, looking at us with utter outrage; his hands on his cheeks and his jaw dropping to the floor. I had a shocked facial expression, looking into the camera, with one hand over my mouth and Felix was dabbing in the background. I looked at it on my phone screen and giggled to myself. This photo summed up all of our silliness perfectly.

"Can you send that to me later?" Seán asked.

"Sure." I chuckled.

It was time for the panel and my nerves started to kick in once again. All three of us were backstage getting miked up and I could feel myself start to shake. This would be the first time I've been on a stage since year six.

"Don't worry." Seán said as he took my hand in his. "You'll be fine." He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. He could obviously sense my anxiety. I smiled back at him gratefully.

We walked on stage one by one. Mark was already on and introduced Seán and I.

"TOP OF THE MORNING TO YOU LADDIES! MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE!" Mark shouted. I stifled a giggle at his very poor impression of Seán.

"No, I think you'll find, I am!" Seán shouted over the uproar of cheers from the audience, as he walked on. The crowd cheered even louder and I think even Seán was taken aback by it.

"And finally, the one person you guys have been wanting to do a panel for years now!" Backstage I could hear some of the audience shouting my name already. "Y/C/N!" Mark shouted once more. I walked on and was greeted with many cheering, happy faces. I was completely stumped by how many people watch my videos. Seeing the faces behind the subscriber count really puts it into perspective. I almost felt emotional.

"Wow! I was not expecting that!" I said into my microphone, in awe, looking around the room of people. I heard a few laughs.

"So what's going to happen today is for the first half we will be playing Never Have I Ever, using your tweets which you have kindly sent in, whether you're here or at home watching," Mark started and the crowd gave a cheer, "then we'll be doing a Q & A. There's a couple of microphones at the front, stay seated for now, but when the time comes, feel free to line up and ask us whatever you want!" There was another cheer.

The first half proceeded with Never Have I Ever. We had a jar in the middle of us and slips of paper each which was equivalent to a dollar. Every time we had done whatever the tweet said, we had to put 'a dollar' in the jar which would go to our chosen charity. There were many laughs, gasps, roasts and just overall silliness. It was great.

When the Q &A came around I was greatly surprised by the fact that most people wanted to ask me a question rather than Mark or Seán!
Soon enough, the panel came to an end and Mark and Seán had said a few words.

"Is there anything you want to add, Y/N before we call it a day?" Mark asked me.

"Yes, I just want to say that this is my first panel and I want to thank everyone who came here today and for all being so lovely." There was a cheer. "And also, if I may add, this is the first time Mark, Seán and I have met in person," I turned to face them, "and you guys are seriously some of the nicest people I've ever known and I hope we can hang out more often." There was a big round of applause, followed by loud cheers and 'aww's.

Suddenly I felt Seán bring me into a hug, pulling me into his chest, I rested my chin on his shoulder. Then Mark joined in on the hug, now making it a group hug, by hugging Seán, his long arms also reaching around me.

Today was the perfect day. The panel went amazingly well, I feel like I made my viewers proud but also, I got to finally meet my best friends and I couldn't be happier.

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