#5.1- My New Neighbour (Part One)

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This imagine features Jack's family. I don't know who his real family are so it's just made up characters.

Y/A: Your Address
Your POV
The chilly late afternoon wind hits my bruised face, making my already teary eyes water some more. I told myself months ago that this couldn't happen again, but yet it happened. Once more I am in fear of living.

I run away from the school and into the woods, panting heavily and whacking branches away from my scratched face. My abdomen is searingly painful from the black and blue bruises but still, I run, possibly for my life. I genuinely think they will kill me if they catch me.
The path in the woods comes to an end and I now have to choose the correct way back to my home. I've never been this way before, I didn't have a clue.
I take a left, hoping it's the right choice and I sprint down the path, my right leg slightly dragging behind me. What have I possibly done to deserve all of this?

"Where did that bitch go?"

"I dunno, just keep running!"

I hear their angry voices behind me, followed by their heavy, sprinting footsteps. I suddenly feel my heart leap into my throat and I couldn't swallow it down. Whatever I do, I have to escape them.

I keep on running, ignoring the agonising pain I'm in and the fact that my right leg has gone completely numb from being dragged along the rough earth.
I turn another corner and come to a dead end. These woods are like a maze, a maze which wouldn't let me escape my nightmare and a nightmare which I couldn't wake up from.

"No!" I shout, thumping the tree trunks lain horizontally blocking the path.

"Over there!" I hear one of the thugs shout.

"Shit!" I whisper. I'm completely unsure of what to do. I'm trapped. I look around frantically and spot a large enough hedge to hide in. I try making an entrance into the twigs and leaves, my arms getting even more scratched in the process. I ruffle the branches up so there isn't an obvious clearing and I remain silent. This should work... hopefully.

Jack's POV
I'm walking home through the woods, from school after staying on extra time for a detention. It was my first day and already I've had a detention.
I pass a hedge when I come to a dead end. Hmm, I need to seriously get used to these parts. As soon as I go to turn back around, I feel a rough hand grab me by the shoulder.

"Oi, you! Seen a girl anywhere?" The tall, angry looking teenager shouts. I recognise him as the bully from my new school, who terrorises everyone.
Suddenly, movement in the corner of my eye catches my attention. My gaze lands on the hedge. The branches are moving but there is no wind anymore. I can just about make out a figure inside, pressing their finger to their lips.

"No, I haven't seen anyone. Sorry," I reply as casually as I can. The bully shoves me back and calls his friends who both come over swiftly. I regain my balance from the sudden push and pull the handles of my backpack further up my shoulders.

"She's gone, mate," one thug says to the other.

"Bullshit! If you're listening, we'll find you bitch! See you at school!" The other shouts into the woods before running off.
What on earth was that about?

I walk over to the hedge and hold my hand out to help out the person hiding. To my total shock, it's a beaten up girl who looks around my age. Her hair is messed up, she has cuts over her arms and she looks utterly terrified. She hesitantly reaches out, not knowing whether to trust me. Once her cold hand is in mine, I can feel her relax a little. She staggers out of the hedge, using my hand as support.

"Are you okay?" I ask, concerned.

"I-er-think so. Thank you for covering for me," the girl replies. I somewhat recognise her.

"No problem, what's your name?"

"Y/N," she replies.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Seán."

"Nice to meet you too. Aren't you the new guy from Stockbridge High? I think you're in my form," Y/N states.

"Yup, that's me. Listen, do you want me to walk you home? That leg looks incredibly painful," I suggest.

"Oh no, it's okay," Y/N shook her head. "I'm- argh, shit!" She cries out as she took a step forward.

"No, I insist," I say, wrapping an arm around her waist as she leans on my shoulder for support.

"Thank you."

"No worries. So where about do you live?"


"No way! I've just moved in next door!" I exclaim, hardly believing the coincidence.

"Ah, so you're the loud neighbour who shouts at one in the morning."

"Um, yeah, sorry about that. I guess I'm just very competitive when it comes to games," I say quietly.

"Haha, it's okay. I'm the same-ow," she suddenly stops.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine, just a bit bashed up," she laughed off her pain. "I can't imagine my parents would be too pleased to see me in this state. My dad would throw a fit."

I hesitate, wondering whether to offer her my hospitality. I imagined my sister being in Y/N's shoes, and how grateful I would be if someone offered to help her. "I know we've just met and everything," I begin, "but seeing as we're neighbours, do you want to come back to mine so I can help stitch you up? I'm happy to help, if you want it that is." Did I weird her out?

"I don't want to intrude-"

"You're not, don't worry. My parents are out of town for a while, it's just my sister at home," I assure her.

"Well, okay. Thank you very much, Seán." She smiles.

We continue our walk back to our street, my arm still around her for support as we walk. Why did I find such a sweet, innocent-looking girl in the woods in this state? What could she have done to deserve this life?

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