#12.3- Crushing (Part Three)

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~The Next Morning~

Your POV
Last night still replayed through my mind over and over again and how guilty I have been feeling all day.

"Hello?" I called out as I arrived home from work. No answer. "Signe? Seán?" Still nothing.
Suddenly I heard something upstairs. It sounded like... crying. I had a very bad feeling about this.

I walked up the stairs and heard Signe's sobs coming from the bathroom.
"Signe?" I said softly, knocking on the door quietly. There was a silence before a very puffy-eyed, tear-stained-cheeked Signe stood in front of me. Once she saw me, she flung her arms around me and started to cry into my shoulder. "Hey, Signe. What's wrong?"

"I think Seán and I are finished." She said as we drew apart. I could almost feel the guilt surging through my veins, burning a hole through my heart, knowing that this is all my fault. Why couldn't I have just kept my trap shut?

"What happened?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Well, I returned home late last night and I noticed that he smelt... different, like of another woman's perfume. It definitely wasn't mine, anyway."


"Are-are you sure?" I asked, a shake rising in my voice. It was a challenge to try not to sound too conspicuous.


"Where is he now?" I asked.

"I don't know. He said he needed to leave the house for a while. I don't know if he's even going to come back!" There was a pause. "Did he... leave the house yesterday?" Signe asked me. I sighed and stared at my feet. I have to tell her...

"Signe, I'm so sorry." I breathed out. I could feel tears burning my eyes. Holding out one of my wrists to her nose, Signe sniffed it and I saw the look of recognition on her face. "Smell familiar?"

Her face completely dropped. From sadness, to disappointment then to sudden anger.

"It was you?" She was yelling, yet there was some confusion in her expression, like she didn't believe it.

It was strange to hear her yelling because she hardly ever raises her voice at anything. She's always this happy, calm individual.

"I'm sorry, Signe." I shook my head, covering my face. After a moment, I looked up. "We got into an argument last night, first we were shouting a-and then we weren't talking at all a-and then-"

"I don't give a shit what happened, Y/N! The fact is, you betrayed me! Get out!" She yelled.

"But Signe, I-"

"I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT!" She screamed, throwing the nearest objects at me, forcing me out of my own house. "Get out!" She threw a toothbrush at me. "Get out!" A bar of soap. "GET OUT!" A bottle of shampoo.
I rushed out and ran all the way to the park, not daring to look back.

I sat on the nearest bench and put my head in my hands. Tears started to uncontrollably roll down my face. What have I done? I've completely wrecked my friendship with Signe. I can't go back, can I?

"Need some company?" I heard a familiar Irish accented voice say from beside me. Seán was sat beside me on the bench. He was wearing a grey beanie and his black YouTube Gaming hoodie, which I loved. He was also holding a Starbucks take away cup.

"I'm not sure if that's such a good idea." I wiped away my tears.

"She told you then?"

I nodded. "And I told her..."

"Y-you did?" He looked nervous.

I nodded once more. "I couldn't bear it. I couldn't keep walking around whilst she's hurting, knowing that I'm the one who caused it."

Seán sighed. "It wasn't just you, Y/N. It takes two."

"You say that as though it's a good thing." I said a little irritated.

"No, of course it's not a good thing, that's not what I'm saying at all! All I'm saying is, it's not just your fault. It's mine too." He reassured me. There was a silence. "Y/N, I told Signe that I cheated on her because I couldn't admit to telling her that I got it all wrong years ago."

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"I mean, this..." Suddenly he leaned in and kissed me again. Just as passionate as last night but this time it actually felt right. I could practically feel the little bubbles of happiness dancing around inside of me again. We drew away and Seán caressed my cheek, wiping away a stray tear which must've escaped my eye at some point.
I rested my head on his shoulder and he placed his head on top of mine.

"So... what now?" I asked.

Seán kissed my forehead. "I don't know. Whatever the future holds for us I guess."
I swear it got more cringey as the story went on! Sorry! 😂

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