#25.2- Life Living With Telepathy (Part Two)

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Your POV
"Y/N! I'm so glad you made it!" My mum embraced me in a bone-crushing hug.

"Hi, Mum." I hugged her back.

"Come in and see everybody again." She gestured me towards the garden as I shut the front door behind me. I always forget how big this house is even though I lived here for ten years.

I walked through to the garden where many people stood in different groups talking and laughing. Children were playing ring toss and clambering over my old climbing frame, looking like they were having a wonderful time. A barbecue was alight and the smell of sausages and onions wafted through the house.

"Y/N! How wonderful to see you again, sweetheart." My Dad hugged me.

He was manning the barbecue -like he always has done- and has his signature black and white, striped apron on. It was unusual to see him without it when he cooked.

"Hi Dad." I hugged him back. "How have you been?"

"Just splendid!" He spoke loudly. My dad always has been quite eccentric.

Suddenly, I felt a little someone bump into my legs, followed by an "oof!" I looked down to see a little girl, who couldn't be more than six, fall down beside me. I recognised her as my not-so-baby-anymore cousin, Lilly. I knelt down to help her up.

"Are you okay, Lilly?" I pulled her back up to her feet.

"Yep." She replied, popping the 'p'.

"Wow, last time I saw you, you were a tiny toddler, now look at you! You're a big girl now." I smiled. She giggled in response.

"Lilly! Back here now!" I heard the cold voice, belonging to my Auntie Jane shout at her, the voice which I also dreaded to hear.

It felt like a spear was shot through my heart. How can a mother shout at her child like that? She's always been apprehensive about her children talking to me though. She thinks I'm a crazy lunatic because I spent fifteen years in a mental hospital, for the connection I have with Seán. She was the one who locked me up in that hell-hole in the first place! Once the doctors discovered they couldn't do anything more, they released me, three years ago.
I saw Lilly look up at me and I nodded to urge her forwards to return to her mother.

"You don't get to speak to that freak ever again! You hear me?" Jane shouted at her daughter.

It was like all other background noise had been paused and the only voice I could hear was my aunt's, her words spitting venom at her child. Even three years later, it still hurts. I could feel tears starting to sting my eyes. It shouldn't affect me as much as it used to now, but I guess it never does go away.

"I'm sorry, Mummy!" Lilly's little, frightened voice replied and she ran back towards the climbing frame to rejoin the rest of the children.

I felt a warm, comforting hand rest on my shoulder. "Don't you pay attention to those cow's words, Y/N." My dad told me. I wiped away a few tears and looked up at him. "Anyone who puts you down for who you are, is clearly jealous that they can never be like you."

"But who the hell would want to be like me, Dad?" My voice raised in annoyance. "I have another person living up here and it isn't normal!" I pointed to my temple and ran back inside, ignoring all the dejected thoughts which I could hear Seán thinking. I'll apologise later.

"Y/N? What's wrong?" I heard my mum's voice call as I rushed past her. I ran into my old room and covered my face with my hands. Why is this still affecting me so much?

"Y/N?" I heard Seán's calm voice say. I didn't respond. "Y/N, please don't be sad, I can't bear you thinking this way!" Again, I didn't say anything. "I'm... sorry."

"What for?" I wiped tears away and spoke.

"You hate us being like this. I'm sorry I've caused you so much pain." He sounded genuinely apologetic and miserable.

"Seán, it isn't your fault. I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean it." I replied. All I could think about was that haunting hospital and how for fifteen years of my life, I called that dump 'home'.

"Wait, you were trapped in that mental hospital for fifteen years?" Seán asked, shocked, clearly reading my mind. I had completely forgot he could do that.

"I take it that's your revenge from earlier." I mumbled grumpily. "Yes, I was released three years ago." I went into the whole explanation about how my aunt put me in a mental hospital and how she still treats me as a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of her shoe. "It just still gets to me you know?"

"Trust me, I do." Seán reassured me. "So, why didn't you ever tell me? All those years ago, I was talking to you when you were in a hospital?"

"Yes. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to freak you out or make you feel guilty that the cause of me being there, was our connection." I shrugged.

There was a thoughtful silence.

"I guess you know literally everything about me now." I lightly chuckled.

"Y/N," Seán began, "if I know everything about you, then I think it's about time you know everything about me..."

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