#28.2- Pregnancy Whispers (Part Two)

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Song above: Chapter Four- Avenged Sevenfold.
Y/S/N: Your Sister's Name
Your POV
"Okay guys, I have an idea for a game." I suggested as we were well into the night now. Daisy was already in bed, asleep.

"Oh? And what's that, Y/N?" My dad asked.

"The Whisper Challenge." I suggested. I got some confused looks from my parents and some sounds of approval from Y/S/N and Flynn.

"What's that?" My mum asked.

"You wear headphones which play loud music whilst another person says a phrase very quietly and you have to try to lip read what they are saying." I explained.

"Oooh! That sounds cool!" My mum responded.

"You in, Dad?" I asked.

"Yeah, why not." He replied.

I handed a pair of headphones to everyone but Seán, obviously, and attached my phone to Mum's pair and Seán's phone to Dad's pair. Y/S/N and Flynn used their own phones.

"You not playing, Seán?" Dad asked him.

"Nah," he looked at me for a moment before returning his gaze back to Dad, "I think I'll sit this one out."

"Suit yourself." My sister shrugged.

"Good lord, that's loud!" My mum cried as I pressed 'shuffle play' on my main playlist on Spotify. "You like this rubbish?" She questioned. I looked at the lock screen to see what song was playing; 'Chapter Four' by Avenged Sevenfold. I pretended to be offended.

"It's a damn good song." I argued with a laugh and sat back down. "Okay, everyone ready?" I asked.



"Can't hear you!"

"The athlete won a trophy!"

All four of them shouted at once. 'The athlete won a trophy?' I have a feeling Dad will be the worst one at this...

"I'm starting now!" I shouted.

"You're starting now?" Mum and Y/S/N asked in unison. I nodded.

I took a deep breath and quietly said my phrase. "There is going to be a baby McLoughlin." I felt a warm hand rest on my shoulder and looked up to see Seán smiling happily.


"There is..."

"Baby low..."

"Say again!"

I laughed at their attempts and I tried again. "There is going to be a baby McLoughlin."


"Going to go..."

"There is going..."

"Baby McDonalds..."

It was Seán's turn to laugh aloud this time.

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