#21.2- His Psychosis: AntiSepticEye (Part Two)

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200 reads!? I swear it was only last week where there was one hundred! Thank you!

Bold: Anti
Normal: Seán
Your POV
It was now night time and Seán had not spoken a word to me. I decided it was time to get some sleep but just as I lied down on my mattress as a bed, I heard an ear-splitting scream come from Seán's cell. I sat bolt-upright and scrambled to the bars. It was still pitch-black and I couldn't see anything.

Suddenly, Seán charged for the iron bars and grabbed the collar of my overalls pulling me towards the bars. Except, it wasn't Seán. This man had black eye sockets, stretchers in each ear and a slit throat. His creepy smile was wider than anything I've ever seen and his hand which had hold of my overalls collar were like claws. This is Anti.

"Let go of me you demon bastard!" I shouted as I struggled in his grip but he was too strong.

"Watch your language missy." The demon hissed in my ear, making my blood boil. I tried kicking him through the bars but he dodged out of the way. He then pulled me forward so my face hit the bars and that's when I lost it. I punched his face repeatedly, through the bars. He released me, clutching his bloody nose where I punched him. "You bitch!" He shouted.
Where were the guards when you needed them? Why aren't they doing anything about this?

Then something unexpected happened. Anti literally went through the iron bars and was now in my cell. How did he do that?
He suddenly charged at me again but I dodged and grabbed his arm in an awkward position, pinning it behind him.

"I'm not afraid to break your arm!" I threatened. But another unexpected thing happened. It was like he evaporated into thin air because he was suddenly gone from my grip. I looked all around me, wary that he might pop up any minute. "You don't scare me!"

"Oh don't I?" His creepy voice echoed around me followed by a psychotic chuckle. He could be speaking from anywhere. "How about now?" The light in my cell switched off. "Or now?" In my peripheral vision, I saw the two guards doing fuck all, drop dead. "Or now?" Anti's icy whisper spoke in my ear. I spun around to see no one was there but then before I knew it, he grabbed me from behind and had me in a headlock. "You know," he said as I attempted to struggle free, "I don't understand why you're here. You seem too... innocent." He pushed me away, making me fall to the ground. "Lets see who you truly are, Y/N."

We both circled each other like predators eyeing their prey. He swung at my face, hitting my cheek at full impact. His claws caught my lip, making it bleed. He then attempted to punch me again but I caught his fist mid-air and punched his face once more. That one is going to leave a bruise. He screamed in agony and charged at me again. I moved out of the way and he hit the iron bars. Stupid. He collapsed to the ground and I started kicking him.

This anger was taking over me, my hands were shaking again and I couldn't stop it, I had no control over my body. My inner killer was released once more.

Anti suddenly vanished once more. My hands were still shaking, I had to finish the job. I needed the kill.

Suddenly, I heard frightened sobs come from the other side of my cell. My hands stopped shaking and my angry expression turned into a concerned one.

"Seán?" I called out to him.

I cautiously walked closer to the sound and saw the thin, frightened-looking man curled up into a ball, crying into his hands. He sounded utterly terrified.

"I-I'm s-sorry!" He cried, his voice a little muffled from his hands covering his face but barely a whisper. I hesitantly kneeled down to get on his level. Seán looked up at me and removed his hands from his face, his crystal eyes were glistening with tears. He was completely unharmed; no bruises, no blood, nothing. "He's unpredictable, I didn't mean to hurt you I swear!" He suddenly rested his head into me, crying. I patted his back as an attempt of comfort.

"It's okay, Seán. I'm sorry too." I spoke to him, probably sounding a little stiff. I didn't really know how to comfort people, I've never been the hugging type. I must look really awkward right now. He sat up and glanced to the two bodies of the guards just outside my cell.

"Oh God, did I do that?" He asked worriedly. I didn't know how to answer. He started to sob more and became more frustrated. "Why can't I just be fucking normal?" He bellowed in anger.

"Normal doesn't exist in a place like this, Seán."

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