#16.3- The Exchange Student (Part Three)

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Your POV
I could feel the warm sunlight grazing my eyelids, signifying it was the morning. I slowly opened my eyes to see one small strip of sunlight peeking through the dark curtains. I sat up in Seán's bed, which was surprisingly comfortable and still smelt of his scent.

I reached over and turned on the little bedside lamp to see that Seán wasn't on the mattress on the floor, but coming out of the bathroom whistling, with a towel around his waist, drying his hair with a smaller towel. I couldn't help but stare, feeling the warmth of a blush rushing to my cheeks. He was surprisingly well-built, not 'hench' but there were definitely some prominent abs.

"Oh, sorry. I thought you were still asleep. Did my atrocious whistling wake you?" He asked me. I snapped out of my daydream.

"No, it's fine." My voice shook as I spoke, switching octaves, sounding weak. Pull yourself together!

Jack's POV
I probably should feel awkward, standing here in a towel in front of Y/N but the fact is... I don't, and I curse my stupid heart for the reason why.

I watched her as she got out of bed and stretched. She had half her hair up and half down and wore an oversized nightshirt over a vest. She stretched, making her shoulder blades stand out through her shirt and she walked over to her half of my wardrobe to pick out an outfit for today. She wasn't wearing any make up, her hair was a little messy but she still somehow looked beautiful.

Snap out of it Seán!

"Hello? Anyone in there?" I was thrown back to reality by Y/N clicking her fingers in front of my face. Shit. Was I just gawking at her like a creep?

"Huh, sorry?" I responded, shaking my head back to reality.

"I said, what are you looking at?" She rested a hand on her hip.

"Oh -er- nothing." She didn't look convinced. "Anyway, anything you wanna do today?"

"I don't know what there is to do." She shrugged with a little laugh.

"I know! There's an art gallery in the city, seeing as you mentioned you like to draw, I think you'll really enjoy it. Plus seeing as you've only got five days left here, we have to go." I suggested whilst walking over to the wardrobe where she was standing, so I could get my clothes out too.

"That would be great." She replied, sounding a little flushed. I could sense her looking at me and I couldn't help but smile to myself.

"Don't worry, Y/N, I'm going to put a shirt on now." I chuckled.

"No! I mean- it's -er- fine." She blushed and walked away from me, covering up her crimson face and heading into the bathroom to change. I chuckled to myself at her nervousness.
"Ma, I suggested taking Y/N to the gallery, do you wanna come with us?" I asked my mum as she was in the living room. She was sat on one of the sofas, laptop balancing on her knee, working presumably. Dad was at his workplace.

"Sorry, Jack. I've gotta finish this for one of my clients but here..." she took out her purse and handed me a wad of money. "That should be enough for bus fare and something to eat. Make sure you enjoy yourselves!"

"Thanks, Ma. We'll see ya later." I waved as I walked out of the cabin door and back into my room where Y/N was applying a pale pink lipgloss. "Ready?"

"Always." She picked up her bag and we headed out of the cabin.
Your POV
"Hey, Y/N, you okay?" Seán looked at me with a concerned expression. We were now at the gallery and I didn't realise so many people were here. My anxiety started to kick in a little.

"Yeah, I'm just... feeling a little anxious." I replied, concentrating on my breathing.

Seán took one of my hands and intertwined his fingers with mine. "You are fine, okay? Do you need a bit of air?"

"Yes, please." He lead me out one of the exits, still holding my hand, which I found quite reassuring. We were now exposed to the cool air and I focused on my breathing. Slowly, I could feel my dizziness fade and my hate rate return to normal. I learned some tips from someone, to control my panic attacks and I've been in great debt to them ever since.

"Feeling better?" Seán asked me.

"Much, thank you and sorry."

"Whatever for?"

"For being a pain in the arse." I chuckled.

Seán stroked the back of my hand with his thumb and chuckled also. "Y/N, you are anything but that."

There it is again. The moments we keep having together, by just looking at each other, observing each other's features. I got lost in his sapphire eyes as he moved a loose lock of hair, which had fallen in front of my face, behind my ear.

The door to the gallery made a bang as someone stormed out, making us both jump and snap out of our 'moment'. This really isn't going to end well...

Jack's POV
We had finished viewing the gallery which I think Y/N really enjoyed, luckily, and we were now waiting for our bus fare home. Nothing else was running through my mind but our little 'moments' we have. Does it mean anything?

"Y/N?" I couldn't keep quiet any longer.

"Yes, Seán?"

"Those little... things we keep having, do they... er... do you..." I stuttered but the right words wouldn't form together.

"You felt it too?" She asked.


"Me too..."

A silence.

Suddenly I felt her slowly and hesitantly rest her head upon my shoulder. I smiled and rested my head on top of hers. We were both sat a little awkwardly but then we relaxed into each other. It felt good... no.... it felt right to be like this. I don't know what I was feeling right now and I don't know why. I guess these things just... happen.

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