#6.1- The Farmer's Daughter (Part One)

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Jack's POV
"Is this really necessary?" I ask my stubborn father. We are left in the great hall, after my father sentenced a poor girl to death in five days time because she had supposedly used magic to murder someone else.

"Absolutely! Witchcraft is forbidden for as long as I reign!" The King retorts.

"But you don't even know the whole story!" I argue.

"Enough, Seán! Don't you have a speech to prepare for tomorrow's dinner?" He scowls.

"Yes, father," I frown, bow, and head back to my chambers.

There are pros and cons to being the Prince of Lockholm. I suppose it's great that I have access to anything I'll need but I still feel like I'm being treated like a child. I'm twenty six for christ sake!

Walking down the corridor, I suddenly have an idea. I see the entrance to the staircase leading down towards the dungeons and so I decide to visit the prisoner.

Your POV
What do I do? I've been falsely accused of not only murder but witchcraft too! I'm just an ordinary farmer's daughter who was helping out with my father's crops at the time. Feeling very stressed and lost, I pace back and forth inside the small cell.

Suddenly, I hear voices. I recognise one as the Prince's, talking to the guard outside. Then they both approach the cell I'm trapped inside of. The guard unlocks it and the King's son stands in front of me. His intimidating but soft gaze stares at me. I try to keep calm but inside, I'm more panicked than ever.

"How may I help you, my lord?" I curtsey.

"Please, don't do that," he shakes his head. I just nod, still not taking my eyes off of the ground. I'm too afraid to look up at him. I've been told that Seán is just as ruthless as his father. He takes a step forward but I retreat back. "I'm not here to hurt you, I just want to talk," he reassures me, holding a hand up in defence. "What's your name?"

"Y/N," I say after a moment's hesitation, still not looking up. I sit down on the straw mattress on the floor.

"Pretty name." I finally build up the courage to look at him. He is smiling; the dimples on each side of his cheeks showing up very prominently and his gorgeous, ocean blue eyes offering me nothing else but kindness. It's just hit me how good looking he actually is. Shut up Y/N! You can't be thinking like that, especially when the guy is heir to the throne! I return a very small smile back. "Listen Y/N, I believe that you are innocent." He walks towards me and sits down beside me.

Suddenly, butterflies flutters inside me. Not only is he sitting beside me and making me feel a little uneasy, but he believes me. He would be the first.

"Y-you do?"  I stutter nervously.

"Yes," he replies. I didn't know what to say. I was completely stumped. "I saw you." He surprises me with that addition. "You were digging up vegetables or something this morning, at the time of the murder."

"How did you-"

"Sometimes being the Prince of Lockholm is boring and you feel trapped behind these palace walls. I go out into the village sometimes, disguised, so I can't be recognised. It's great because I can finally feel... human. No guards, no servants, just me," he informs me. "And no father to tell you what to do and not to do."

How could anyone believe he's just as bad as his father? He is literally one of the kindest people I've met.
I have an idea but I'm unsure whether to say it or not but if I say it, there is a possibility that I could get out of this cage. "Erm, Sir?"

"Please, call me Seán," he interrupts.

"Okay... Seán, is there a possibility of persuading the King to say that you saw me?" I feel awkward, like I was using the prince just to escape this damp hovel. But if I didn't try, my neck will be around that noose outside.

"I can try but my father is a very stubborn man," Seán shrugs.

"Thank you, so much!" I feel hopeful for once. Maybe Seán will be able to get through to his father and I can escape my sentence. I will just have to wait and see...

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