#32- The Return Of AntiSepticEye

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Another Anti imagine because why the fuck not! XD  Also, this one links with 'His Psychosis', the two-part imagine I wrote previously, but this one is set a few years later.
Also, Fun Fact: I drew this picture above. Lol.

Bold: Anti
Normal: Seán
Your POV
It's been two years since Seán and I have been released from that hell of an asylum. We've stuck with each other since the very beginning and who would've concluded that we ended up moving in together?

Although the asylum was bad, Anti was gone. He hasn't awoken in Seán for a while now which, I have to say, is very reassuring and promising that he is dead. I think Seán feels the same. He told me it was torture for him to witness, remember and actually be the one doing all the awful, crude things Anti was doing, but now, the evil has gone and Seán is free.

As for me? The asylum helped me control my raging anger and I haven't felt any blood lust for months. Although it is strange for me because it feels like I'm a completely different person. I'm glad I don't feel what I used to feel. When my anger died down after I had lost control, I never felt good about what I had done and now I suppose I'm... innocent. Just like Anti said I was.

Seán had started a YouTube channel once we were released and he currently has fourteen million subscribers which is an insane amount to gain in two years. He is nearly always recognised when we go out and just the other day, I was on the bus home from work when I overheard some high-schoolers enthusing about his newest gameplay. I couldn't help but smile and feel a sense of pride.

It was a Sunday morning, and as usual, the rain was hammering down like transparent bullets, ricocheting off the windows.

"Hey, Y/N? Seán asked me. "Do you want to film a video with me?"

I didn't know how to respond. Of course I wanted to be in a video but I was nervous at how his viewers would react to me. Would they like me? Would they hate me? Who knows.

"Sure. What did you have in mind?" I asked him.

"I just thought a simple Q&A." He shrugged.

"Sounds great."
"Top of the mornin' to ya laddies!" I flinched at the visceral high five Seán did as he shouted his iconic intro.

We had begun to answer questions, just about us really. It was more of a relationship Q&A. It wasn't until one specific question came up, when we looked at each other in horror.

"Where did you two meet." Seán read aloud. "Do we tell them the truth or make something up?" He asked me.

"I don't know, it's up to you." I shrugged. "Do you want people to know you had an evil demon living inside of you?" I chuckled.

"What do you mean by 'had', Y/N?" I heard that snarling, deep voice all too well come from Seán's lips.

He shook his head and covered his mouth with his hand, eyes wide with shock. My breath hitched in my throat. No...

Seán winced in pain and switched back to his normal voice.

"Y/N, get out of here! He's back!" He yelled in pain again and his facial expression contorted into a malicious grin.

"I never left."

It was like Seán and Anti were switching back and forth. He'd let out a yell and Anti would speak and then another scream and Seán would return. It was like watching Harvey Dent battle against 'Two-Face' from Batman. Seán's irises were switching from a startling blue to an empty black very rapidly as Anti was taking control. He looked in physical pain as this demon was possessing him all over again.

"Please, get out of here! I don't want to hurt you again." Seán begged but I didn't move. All I did was reach for the 'off' button on the camera which was behind me. "He's going to-"

He let out a scream of agony once more and watched his forearms in horror, as black veins popped out and snaked up his hands, his hair turning the recognisable darker shade of green. Seán screamed out again as he clutched his throat and tore his hand away again, looking at the blood which was now covering his palm, as the bloody slit across his throat was tearing across his flesh.

He collapsed to the floor, then after a moment, he steadily stood up, fists clenched, laughing maliciously and slowly turning around to face me. There stood Anti; the empty-eye-socketed, ear gauged, clawed, snarling-voiced demon, released once more after years of being confined inside of Seán.

"Did you really think it would be that easy?"

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