#16.2- The Exchange Student (Part Two)

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Jack's POV
It's been a week having Y/N staying with us in our little cabin in the countryside and she's been a joy to have around. It seems like when she walks into a room, it immediately lights up. She is happy, funny and friendly. The three main factors we hoped she'd be.

Y/N and I were sat in my personal, little cabin, playing multiplayer on Overwatch. Because of the size of our two little cabins; my bedroom and the main home, she was sleeping in my room with me, as she had no other place she could sleep. I kindly gave her my bed whilst I slept on the floor.

I mean yeah, it was awkward at first having a total stranger sleeping in the same room as me but we've really warmed up to each other over these past few days. It's a good job we have lots in common I guess; she mains as Reaper on Overwatch like me, being one of the similarities!

"Hey, Y/N?" I asked.

"Yeah?" She responded, still looking at the screen.

"Do you want to take a walk, then you can get to know more about the," I did my strongest Irish accent I could possible do, "Irish countryside."

She giggled before replying and pressing the pause menu on her controller. "I'd like that." She smiled brightly. Her smile could lighten up any mood.
Your POV
"So tell me a bit more about yourself." Seán asked me as we were walking through the woods nearby.

"Well... I moved to America when I was thirteen after my parents got divorced, I have one younger sister, I play the flute and I love to draw." I finished by shrugging.

"Your parents are divorced? I'm so sorry. It must've been hard." He replied.

I shrugged again. "Yeah, it was hard at first but it happened so long ago now, it doesn't really bother me anymore. My sister and I get to see Dad back in England every school term still, so it's not like we have completely lost connection. Anyway, enough about me, what about you?"

"Hmm... I play the drums and in a small band, I can speak a little Korean and Danish, I have two older brothers and two older sisters, whom have all left home with families of their own and that's about it. My life isn't very interesting." He responded.

"Sure it is, that's so cool." I replied.

"There is one other thing but you might laugh at me." He seemed shy.

"I promise I won't." We stopped walking and I held out my pinky finger.

"What are you, seven?" He laughed.

"Hey, it's still a legitimate promise keeper." I nudged him, still holding out my pinky finger. He hesitated before hooking his pinky around mine. I ignored the butterflies in my stomach at his touch.

"Okay... I make gaming videos and post them to YouTube everyday." He said as a small, embarrassed smile curved upon his lips.

"That's awesome, what are you taking about?" I unhooked my finger and we continued our hike. "What's your channel?"


"Jacksepticeye? I thought your name was Seán? I asked, confused.

"It is but Ma used to call me that when I was young. Not a clue why." He chuckled. "Anyway we should probably head back, we've been out for four hours." He said, consulting his watch.

"Shit, really? Oops- pardon my French." I covered my mouth.

"My dearest Y/N," Seán placed a hand on my shoulder, "you are in Ireland now, where we use insults as a greeting." I couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, I'll have to remember that." I said, staring into his ocean eyes and he stared right back. I snapped out of it and added, "Let's head back."

You can't fall for him Y/N, he's only the person you're staying with, nothing more, nothing less...

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