#26- The Completed Canvas

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500+ reads is insane! Thank youuu!! XD

Y/C/N: Your Channel Name
Your POV
I was just scrolling through the comments on the latest video I uploaded to my channel of a speed paint of Trico from The Last Guardian when I noticed the subscriber count. 250,000! That's awesome! Maybe I should start doing YouTube as a proper career and not just a hobby.

All the commissions I do cost nothing because I enjoy the work. Art has always been my life and although many people have offered me money, I've always turned it down. I'm happy to do this free of charge and I continue my job at the Art Gallery.

Suddenly, I felt my phone buzz inside my pocket to see I had a DM on Tumblr. I opened it to see that someone called 'therealjacksepticeye' sent me a message,

therealjacksepticeye: "Hi Y/N, I saw your speed paint of Trico on your channel and I fell in love with it! I love your art style! I was just wondering if you do commissions and if you could do a picture for me?"

I smiled at his complimentary message and typed a reply,

Y/C/N: "Hi, I'm very humble that you like my artwork, thank you. Yes, I do commissions and would love to create a piece for you but at the moment, there's a queue. If you wanted a request, I'm afraid it might take a while."

therealjacksepticeye: "That's okay, I was just wondering if you could possibly paint me that picture of Trico which you posted on your channel? Don't worry if not."

Y/C/N: "I can paint it again but I'm afraid it will take some time. Replicating a piece of art can be a little challenging and the piece on my channel took me a month to complete! But nevertheless, I will inform you when it is ready."

therealjacksepticeye: "Thank you so much. Hope to speak to you soon!"

I put my phone away and closed my laptop, returning back to the commissions. Luckily, most of these commissions were digital art so I could send them through electronically and there was only I couple, which I counted, that needed to be delivered. I was really looking forward to painting Trico again, the speed paint on my channel was one of my favourite pieces I've ever done!

~three months later~

I did the final stroke of the paintbrush on the canvas, finally finishing The Last Guardian piece for 'therealjacksepticeye' and looked at it to make sure it was the same as the one on my channel. If anything it was better! Feeling extremely pleased with what I had produced, I informed him on Tumblr that his piece is ready for collection.

Y/C/N: "Hey, remember me? I've finally finished the Trico painting. I'm sorry it took so long! Do you think I could have your address so I can deliver it to you, or would you be more comfortable to meet me somewhere for collection?

Almost instantly, he replied back to me.

therealjacksepticeye: "That's great, Y/N! Thank you so much. Do you think I could meet you somewhere?"

Y/C/N: "Of course."

therealjacksepticeye: "Do you live in Ireland?"

Y/C/N: "Yeah, I do."

therealjacksepticeye: "Great! Do you think you could meet me in Starbucks in Athlone, tomorrow at 12 p.m?"

A grin spread across my face as I typed a reply.

Y/C/N: "Of course. See you then."
"Hi, Y/N! So nice to meet you." The green-haired guy greeted me with a hand shake.

"Likewise..." I waited for him to say his name. I just realised how rude it must've made me look beforehand. He knew my name, but I never asked for his!


"Great to meet you, Seán." I replied with a friendly smile. "Well, here you go." I handed him the canvas which had a protective cover over it.

"That's truly amazing! Thank you." He smiled gratefully from ear to ear.

"It's no problem. I enjoyed doing it." I responded. Suddenly, he rested the painting on one of the chairs in the coffee shop, reached into his pocket and drew out his wallet, holding out a wad of money. "No, no, please. I don't want it."

"Oh c'mon, Y/N. I have to give you something!" He protested as he held the money further out for me to take.

"No, it's fine, honestly. The commissions I do are nothing but a hobby. It isn't my work, therefore I don't deserve it." I pushed his hands away which were holding the money.

"Well, maybe it should be your work. You're amazing at what you do, clearly!" He pointed to the picture of Trico. "Why not start up your own business? Or even do YouTube as a career?"

"I have been wondering about that recently." I answered honestly.

"You should just go for it." He encouraged me which caused me to smile.

"Thank you." I responded. He was still holding out the money so I shook my head again.

"Well, if you're not going to take it, then at least let me take you out for a drink. Just to say thank you." He suddenly said, stuffing the money back into his wallet and shoving it into his jeans pocket.

"Well... I-er..." I stammered awkwardly. I hated when people spent money on me. I felt like I was robbing them in some way.

"Y/N, I'm taking you out for a drink." Seán clarified. I smiled brightly.

Ever since that day, the completed canvas can be spotted in Seán's videos nowadays, hanging up on his shelf. Every so often, I look at the comments of his videos and notice the ones about the canvas. Seeing as The Last Guardian was such a big hit on Seán's channel, everyone seemed to want a copy or wanted to know where he got it from.

I couldn't be more humble.
Crappy ending I know and I'm sorry... Okay, I may or may not have made you a tiny bit like Wiishu...

EDIT: Well... I've just discovered that Jack and Signe actually met on Tumblr! This now makes you very much like her in this story. Oops...

EDIT EDIT: I feel like the context to this story is no longer appropriate...

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