#25.1- Life Living With Telepathy (Part One)

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This imagine is inspired by a film called In Your Eyes, however, I'm sort of trying a different approach. I don't know how it's going to go but anyways...
Your POV
"Hey, can you please be more careful?" I whispered, to what appeared to be myself, after I tried to catch a mug full of coffee which wasn't even there in reality, but inside my mind. This caused me to nearly knock over my actual coffee mug on my desk. "I'm at work."

"Well, it's not my fucking fault I'm clumsy and your reflexes are connected to mine." Seán replied.

Ever since birth, we have been connected telepathically and we have no idea how. We're two people who don't even know each other. People think we're crazy because it may look like we're always talking to ourselves when in reality, we're talking to each other. I've known Seán all my life but I've never met him. I would really love to but he lives in Ireland and I'm stuck in England.


"Yep." I heard him answer inside my head.

"Have you ever wondered why we're like this?"

"All the time." He replied with a sigh.

"I'm gonna go, everyone is looking at me weird again." I whispered and giggled quietly.

"See ya, Y/N." He said and I continued working.

When I returned home, I noticed that I had a voice message left on the landline. I played it and heard my mother's voice.

"Hi, Y/N! Just ringing to say that we're all having a family reunion tomorrow at five p.m at home. It would be great if you could come! Hope to see you there. Love you."

I really didn't want to go because I knew what was going to happen; whispers, strange looks and gossip. I knew I probably should go though. I didn't want to disappoint my parents, besides, as long as they're there to support me, I think I will be fine.

But what if Aunt Jane is there?

I suddenly felt a wave of anxiety wash over me so I poured myself a glass of water and took a sip. I was so lost in thought that the glass slipped out of my grasp, causing it to shatter on the wooden floor with a loud smash.

"Woah! Watch it, Y/N!" I heard Seán's voice say again. Oops.

"Sorry! I wasn't concentrating." I replied.

"Yeah, no shit." He sarcastically said. "Anyway, you alright?"

"I've been better. I have this stupid family reunion to go to tomorrow though." I rolled my eyes.

"At least you have a family." I heard Seán's thought inside my head. This caused my voice to lower and my heart sink.

"Seán? You don't have a family?" I asked quietly, trying to be delicate.

"Can you quit it? Stop reading my mind!" He responded a little aggressively.

"I can't help it and you know it!" I fought back.

A short silence.

"You're right..." Seán spoke finally, his voice softening. "I'm sorry." There was a pause. "I don't... really want... to talk about it." He replied hesitantly.

"It's okay." I responded, softly.

I knew everything about Seán... everything but his family. He has never spoken about them before and now I know why. How can he not have a family? Everyone has family! I didn't want to push him to tell me so I let the situation go, but that didn't stop me from becoming more and more curious.

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