31. Trouble

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"I never knew how bad it was till now."


(Look how cute that gif is)


I must've gotten at least an hour of sleep before I woke up. The sun still wasn't up, I reached for my phone and seen it was only two in the morning. I put my phone back and looked to my left to find Veronica sleeping.

She was snuggled onto my left arm, her lips slightly opened and her breathing even. I admired the way she looked at the moment. Remembering the past few hours before sleep over took us.

The way she laughed and smiled. God I was going crazy. I mean 4 months ago I was against this idea. I was against being tied down, now? I have no idea anymore.

I know that my main focus is my fans and my music. That's always been my focus and always will. But I also don't want to be alone, I know I have my family, friends, and fans. But I want something I sing about, something I write about.

"Did you even sleep?" I hear her mutter bringing me out of my dangerous thoughts.

I looked down at her as she looked at me with sleepy eyes, "I did, for a good hour. But you should go back to sleep, you look tired."

"Nope I said I wouldn't, if you're awake then so am I." She said before siting up and stretching.

She stretched her arms above her head, as she did the flannel that she wore raised. It was actually my flannel but she looked good in it. She then yawned before bringing her hands down.

"I'm kind of hungry." She said looking at me.

I laughed, "Okay then lets go get something to eat."

She smiled before getting up I got off the bed. I put on my plaid pajama bottoms over my boxers before we walked out of my room. I grabbed her hand since it was dark and lead us both down the stairs carefully.

We tried to make out to the kitchen. Once we got there I turned on the light and we both had to adjust our eyes to the bright light.

"So what do you feel like eating?" I asked as I walked to the fridge.

"You're going to cook me something?" She asked with a smile.

I nodded my head, "Yes."

"Okay then surprise me." She says with a big grin as she sits on the stool.

I then pull out the ingredients I needed to make, "Okay well you my dear Ace, are about to have the best peanut butter and banana sandwich you've ever had."

"You're making me a peanut butter and banana sandwich?" She laughed.

I grinned, "As a matter of fact I am, but trust me you've never had it the way I make it."

She leaned her elbows on the counter and leaned forward, "Okay, so what's in it?"

I set out everything and started to work on the food, "Okay it consists of peanut butter, bananas, cinnamon, and Nutella."

Mercy; Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now