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Selena Gomez as Veronica Aries
Shawn Mendes as Himself



"She isn't just some girl Brian! She was everything." Shawn yelled as he ran his fingers through his hair.

Brian backed away a little to get out of reach of the glass that shattered across the floor.

"There are other girls, you and I both know that. I thought you weren't going to get like this? What happened over the last six months?" Brian asked as he tried to get through to his best friend.

Shawn had blood all over him from his hands that had broken glass.

"I don't know, I knew why I picked her. Six months ago everything made sense. But now I don't know." Shawn said dropping his head down.

No more glass was broken, no more objects being thrown. The only thing that was breaking was his heart.

"Maybe you just need to talk to her. Just get everything sorted out." Brian suggested.

Shawn just shook his head slowly, "I can't. She's gone and doesn't want anything to do with me. I was so stupid. This is all my fault." He whispered.

Brian walked over to his best friend and helped him to the bathroom to rinse the blood off his hands. Brian helped Shawn get back to normal. But no matter what Brian did he and Shawn both knew that it wasn't normal anymore. Things weren't going to be the same anymore.

He ruined everything. He lost the girl. He destroyed what made him happy. There might be a way to fix it, he thought. But it wouldn't be as easy as begging for Mercy.


In which a girl named Veronica Aries moves to sunny state California. She's starting college in the fall at UCLA and decided to stay with her dad. She's outgoing, charismatic, and really smart but what she doesn't have patience for? Rude, annoying, stubborn men.

Though luck isn't really on her side when pop sensation Shawn Mendes bumps into her at A cafe. He's huge around the globe, selling out arenas, winning awards, and making girls swoon. To his fans he's amazing, sweet, caring, charming, and an angel. But even the devil was once an angel.

What happens when these two cross paths and need help from each other. Will things go back to normal after the deal is done? Or will they both be begging each other for Mercy?
Guess you'll just need to wait and read to find out. Also big thanks to @fckinggilinsky_for the amazing book trailer make sure to check it out in the media!

Until next time peace my lovelies

Mercy; Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now