Chapter 3

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Sorry for the lack of updates, guys! D: i feel bad! I'm now on February vacation so hopefully I'll be updating more!

Dedication goes to TomlinsonSchmidtster. (:

Picture to the right is of Louis Tomlinsonnn :) Why is this boy so attractive? xD




As One Direction performed, I could see my father smiling out of the corner of my eye. I can understand why he'd be smiling and why he was so proud; these boys were fantastic. It seemed as though all the hardwork at the studio was paying off, and my father knew that.

Also out of the corner of my eye, I could see Lee-Ann, looking totally uninterested. I could see her staring down at her finger nails, her eyes scrunched as she examined the chips in her nails. And I could see Christi almost perfectly, sense she was sitting to my right. I could see her wearing a mischevious grin, and I knew what that meant. She was figuring out with of the One Direction members would be her next 'boy-toy'.

I sighed at them, hoping that they realize their here for my father, and that they should be a little bit more respectful.

Me on the other hand, I was paying attention to their performance. I really listened to the lyrics of their songs, some of them I already knew. They sang their songs What Makes You Beautiful, One Thing, and More Than This. I got as close as I've gotten to happiness for a long time, just by listening to these five amazing boys sing.

And then, before I knew it, the lights in the room were back on, and people were standing up clapping from their performance. The boys smiled out into the crowd, and I could tell they enjoyed doing this, more than anything.

The clapping eventually died down, everyone rushing to the stage to shake their hands before settling into their seats for the dinner that will be served. After the corner of the room, where the boys had walked off the stage into, cleared out, my father stood up and greeted them. I watched them intently, the boys smiling before all of them starting to laugh. They all started to walk our way to our table, and they smiled as they approached.

Being the polite thing to do, I stood up to greet the boys, and Christi followed my lead, of course. She would do anything to be noticed by these boys; or to be better than me. Lee-Ann looked at us like we were crazy, rolling her eyes at us, which tempted me to return the gesture. Lee-Ann may be a perfect angel around my dad, but she is definitely not when he isn't around.

When my father approached the table, Lee-Ann smiled, before standing up to shake the five boys' hands. I secretly rolled my eyes at her, before waiting for my father to introduce us to the boys. My father smiled at Christi, before he looked over at me, his smile almost dropping before the fake smile returned. It was obvious that my father played favorites; and I was not one of them.

"Boys, I would like to introduce you to my daughter, Christi," My father started, motioning towards the blonde next to me. Did he really just call her his 'daughter'? So now, even his step-daughter is becoming more like a real daughter to him than I am. "And my other daughter, Aurora."

The boys looked at Christi and I as my father introduced us, and Christi waved flirtaciously towards all five of them. As I waved like a normal person, I caught a member with long brown hair starring at me, a slight smile on his lips. It was Louis, the funny one. I remember which members were which, just by my father talking about them. Also by listening to their music so I saw pictures of them all the time.

He continue to stare at me, and smile, and I couldn't help but return it. After what seemed like a lifetime of just us admiring each other, my father broke the silence by welcoming them to sit down. The boys walked around their half of the table, trying to find their name tags. It was kind of funny watching them go through every single open seat at our table to find their name tags, and I covered my mouth, trying to hide my giggle.

I could tell that Louis had heard me, because he looked my direction before smiling slightly. He continued to stare at me as he walked over towards the seat that was open right next to me, to my left. As soon as Louis was standing right infront of the chair, he looked down at the name tag. He smiled, realizing that he had finally found his name tag, before taking a seat in his chair. At this point, the other boys had found their seats, and were now sitting down.

I didn't speak to Louis, or anyone by that matter. I kept my eyes on my fork that I was playing with inbetween my fingers. My father kept the conversations going until our food arrived, and Christi had been talking to the boys whenever my father wasn't. Of course, whatever left her mouth was something extremely slutty, so the boys didn't even give her a second glance.

After a few minutes, I suddenly felt uncomfortable. I was getting that feeling that someone was watching me, so I looked up, and looked behind me. Sure enough, Abbey was looking my way, but not directly at me; so that couldn't have been it. She was just looked at the people at my table; probably admiring One Direction, and whatever member was her favorite.

I turned back around in my chair, realizing that I still felt like I was being watched. I turned my head to the left, seeing that Louis was staring right at me. I gave him a confused look, and his face turned red, as he quickly turned his head back to his plate. I continued to stare at him without realizing it, so when he looked back up at me to see if I was still looking at him, it made things even more awkward.

"Uh, hi, I'm Louis Tomlinson," Louis said, smiling before sticking his hand out for me to shake. I shook his hand, smiling an actual, full smile; the first time I have in what seems like forever.

"Hi, I'm Aurora Williams," I said, and Louis smiled. I realized that our hands were still together, but we were no longer shaking them. He was just holding onto my hand, tight. He noticed me staring down at our hands, and he looked down too. Louis' eyes widened, and he quickly let go of my hand, both of our faces turning red, mine more than his.

"So, did you enjoy the performance?" Louis asked me, and I nodded, a grin growing on my face; another suprise. This is the first time in forever that I've actually smiled; and multiple times. I guess just talking to Louis makes me smile...

But thats ridiculous considering that I just met the kid.

"It was fantastic. I knew you guys were good, but I didn't realize how fantastic you guys were live!" I stated, and Louis laughed, looking down at the ground, before looking up and into my eyes.

"Well, thanks!" Louis said, and I smiled.

After a while, dinner was served at the conversations at the table differed. For once, Lee-Ann wasn't completely obnoxious. Maybe she realized that she can't be completely outgoing and rude when it's a sophisticated event, and we are suppost to be presentable for this band. Christi on the other hand, was being a total flirt. Any time any member of the band said anything, she said something that sounded like she was trying to seduce them. At one point, it got so ridiculous that I let out a small laugh, and everyone looked my way. I bit my lip, not wanting to continue so that I'd hear a bunch of stuff about how 'obnoxious' I was tonight from Lee-Ann.

Louis and I ended up talking about a lot of the night. We seemed to be each others only interest. He was definitely the only thing that was allowing me to listen to Lee-Ann and Christi the whole night, and keeping me from leaving this party.

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