Chapter 11

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two updates in one day... winning! ;D

picture is Abbey :)

dedicated to GotMeParalyzed, cause she plays Abbey. :)<3

song: Kiss Me Slowly by Parachute. {I changed the song in Chapter 9, which was Kiss Me Slowly, to I Should've Kissed You by One Direction. Just incase why you were wondering why I used the same song twice! I just changed it! :D}

Enjoy! :)



                Soon after we started to watch Louis, Aurora, Faith and Liam play Wii, they ended up being done playing. Everyone managed to go off in all different directions. While Aurora and Louis went outside, Maria gave me a nod, before making her way over to Faith and Kayla, probably going to tell them what was going on with Aurora. Liam and Zayn followed them, obviously curious as to what Maria had to say. I sighed, looking over at Niall who was staring at me, a smile on his lips.

                “What?” I asked, laughing at him.

                “The Wii is free,” Niall started, and I threw my head back laughing, grabbing his hand and standing up. We walked over towards the Wii, and Niall turned it on a satisfied grin on his lips. He picked up two remotes, handing me one before clicking on the Wii Sports symbol in the top left corner. After getting everything set up, we decided to play tennis first. At the very first swing, Niall got way to into it, and sense he didn’t have the strap on his wrist, the remote went flying. I burst into laughter as the remote crashed into the wall, causing our group of friends that were inside to look over at us.

                “What was that?” Louis said, poking his head in from the front door, which caused me to laugh harder. I tried to spit out what happened, but all that I could do is laugh and point at Niall. “I don’t even want to know,” Louis said, shutting the door again, and I continued to laugh.

                “You think that’s so funny, huh?” Niall asked, grinning at me.

                “Yeah, I actually do,” I said, and he just shook his head, laughing.

                While Louis and Aurora stayed outside, our group of friends made their way over to Niall and I. “I can’t believe that Lee-Ann would do something like that,” Faith said, and I bit my lip.

                “I don’t know if it’s just Aurora taking it too seriously, or…” Zayn said, trailing off.

                “I don’t know if she’s being dramatic, though. Lee-Ann seems like the person who would do something like this,” I said, and Maria gave me a weird look.

                “How do you know if Lee-Ann seems like the person to do something like that?” Maria asked.

                “Well, I already know that Aurora doesn’t have a good home life, with Lee-Ann being her step-mom. Aurora rarely sees her real mom. And I’ve met Lee-Ann before, because Aurora and I used to be really good friends a few years ago,” I said, and they all gave me a mix of different stares; confusion, surprise, and shock.

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