Chapter 10

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Well hello there :)

This chapter is just kind of blah... but it will lead into something that happens later on in the story, so it will become important eventually. xD

Picture is of Maria cause she's mentioned a lot in this chapter.

Dedication to MrsNiallHoranx27 for playing Maria. :)

Enjoy! :)

PS. I would just like to point out two things. I've been getting a lot of views on this story, and I'm honestly blown away by how many views it has. So I thank everyone who is reading this story! And second, I've been getting a lot of comments on this story, and basically anytime I read a comment it puts a smile on my face. I'm getting comments from people who aren't just my closest friends on here, I'm getting comments from a bunch of other people too. And I'm glad I have people who are actually reading this, not just my good friends. Okay, enough babbling. You may read now. xD<3



                As soon as I was off the phone with Louis, I walked over to my closet, staring at it quickly. I’m just going over there to get my pumpkin, so I guess I didn’t have to get all dressed up. I just left my yoga pants on, and slipped off my loose Parachute concert tee. I grabbed a gray v-neck shirt, not thinking too much about my outfit today. I put my hair up into a messy pony-tail, and decided to put my contacts in today.

                After putting my contacts in, I grabbed a pair of sunglasses, and a pair of yellow flip flops. I slipped them on, walking down the stairs, my flip flops flopping the whole way down the stairs. I grab my white North Face jacket from the closet in front of the door, not bothering to zip it up. “Aurora, don’t you go anywhere just yet,” I heard Lee-Ann’s voice call, and I threw my head back, turning around.

                “What, Lee-Ann?” I asked, just wanting to leave already. I try and spend as little time in this house as I possibly can, and right now, I’m not in the mood to listen to her bicker.

                “You’re father is being ridiculous. He said that-“

                “Lee-Ann, I don’t care what dad said. I don’t want to know about you two’s problems, let alone get stuck in the middle of them. So I’m just going to go, and I’ll let you two settle things like the two mature adults you are,” I said, walking out the door. Satisfied with how I settled that, I walked down the steps, and towards my car.

It was a pretty chilly fall day today, and I got hit with a gust of wind the minute I stepped outside. I regretted wearing flip flops right away, but I didn’t want to go back inside to get warmer shoes, considering I was already sitting in my car.

                I turned on the ignition, backing out of our driveway. As I was traveling down the road, I turned the radio up slowly, setting it at a low volume, but not so low that I couldn’t hear it. Lyrics to Taylor Swift’s song, ‘Ours’ flowed softly in the air of my car. I smiled as I sang along.

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