Chapter 6

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This is just a cute little chapter between the whole group. Just a filler :)

Dedication to MrsNiallHoranx27 for playing Maria :D

Picture will be of the earrings! :D You will know what I mean by earrings once you read the chapter! :)

Comment & Enjoy, my lovelies! :)<3



After everyone had spread their seperate ways, everyone ended up at a different point of the mall. Abbey and Niall were still eating in the foodcourt (well, Niall was), Liam and Faith were the only ones who had actually gone shopping, Harry and Maria went on a walk around the mall, and Zayn and Kayla went into one of the candy stores in the mall. With them all gone, it left Louis and I alone to do whatever we wanted. Just by ourselves.

Louis and I ended up staying in the foodcourt, just sitting at one of the tables. Neither of us were hungry, so we sat there and talked. "And to think this was a day to hang out with my friends, when they all end up ditching me," I joked, and Louis smiled, looking over at me from across the table.

"I didn't ditch you," Louis said, and I cocked my head, grinning at him before shaking my head.

"I know, I was talking about everyone else!" I said, and Louis laughed, a smile lighting up his face. I felt a strange, tingly feeling in the pit of my stomach start to erupt and grow up into my whole stomach. A huge tingly feeling shot through my whole body, and I smiled, trying to cover it so Louis wouldn't realize that I was feeling weird. I haven't gotten this feeling since before moving to the UK, I thought to myself, continuing to stare right into Louis' eyes.

"I know you meant everyone else. I was just playin' with you, love," Louis said, and the tingling feeling returned by just him calling me 'love'. What was going on? I couldn't possibly be getting these feelings over a boy that I just met yesterday night. But not just any boy, a boy from a famous boy band; millions of girls probably felt the same way I did.

After trying to convince myself that there were no feelings between me and Louis, I found a hand waving infront of my face, trying to get me out of my daze. I jumped, looking all around, and Louis chuckled. "You were zoning out a bit there."

"Oh, whoops," I said, my cheeks tinting a bright pink shade. Louis smirked, and I could tell he was thinking about saying something about my noticably bright, pink cheeks. "Don't say anything," I said, and Louis chuckled softly, putting his arms up in defense.

"Wouldn't dream of it!" He said, and I laughed slightly, covering my mouth with my hand lightly. Louis reached out, taking my hand off of my mouth, and I blushed an even darker shade of red, and Louis smirked. "Don't try and cover that smile; you might disappoint people."

"Are you saying that you like my smile?" I asked, raising and eyebrow, smirking ever so slightly.

"What I'm saying is-" Louis started, but got interrupted by a tray getting slapped down on the table, causing both Louis and I to jump. I noticed that even though we both jumped, Louis still didn't let go of my hand, which caused me to smile. Before looking to see who had put the tray down on the table, I saw the stack of food placed on it; Niall.

"Jeesus, Niall. You could have warned us a little bit, there," Louis said, and Niall shrugged taking a seat next to Louis. Abbey approached us with a fork and knife in her hand, handing them to Niall.

"You realize you can't eat without these," Abbey smirked, sitting down next to me as soon as Niall took the utensils from her hand.

"Who says I can't?" Niall asks, smirking.

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