Chapter 16

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I honestly dont have anything to say right now.. so lets get to it! :D

Song: no song. xD

Picture: Molly! (Taylor Swift as a young child! xD)

Dedicated to brymeXD just cause i want to distract her even more from homework.. >:D

enjoy! :D



-A Month Later-

"I’m so excited!" I said for the millionth time on the way to the airport. Louis just laughed at me, shaking his head.

"You know, you’re kind of like a whole new person now," Louis said, and I looked over at him with a confused expression.

"How so?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Well, I mean in a good way. I know that Christi and Lee-Ann haven’t been bothering you as much anymore, and you’ve been spending a lot of time with your friends," Louis smiled, and I smiled back.

"And you," I said, and Louis grinned. "To be honest, I’m not so sure about the Christi and Lee-Ann thing. Lee-Ann is still fighting with my dad sometimes, and now the bickering always stops when I’m in the room," I said, looking over at Louis, and he shrugged.

"Maybe it’s not as bad as you think," Louis suggested, but it came out as more of a question.

"I don’t even care. Now that my mom, Dave, Daisy and their new adopted daughter, Molly, are going to be down here, I’m going to be spending even less time in that house. Maybe even none at all," I said, smiling as we pulled into the airports parking lot.

"I’m exciting to meet this half of the family, too. I know that you and your mom are close, even though you don’t see her that much anymore," Louis said, reaching over and interlocking my hand in his.

"Yeah, we still talk all the time. And I get to meet Molly for the first time, and I get to see Daisy and Dave! It’s just going to be fantastic," I said, smiling. "And you will never believe this," I started, and Louis looked over at me, before he pulled into a parking spot.

"What?" He asked, grinning as we both climbed out of the car.

"I guess Molly is quite the One Direction fan," I said, and Louis’ face lit up.

"Really?" Louis asked, and I nodded, laughing at how excited he was. "Now we are definitely going to have to get all the other boys to meet her," Louis said, and I nodded.

We made our way into the airport entrance, and found our way to where everyone should be coming through. "Is that the gate they should be coming out of?" Louis asked, pointing to the gate we were standing in front of.

"Yeah, I think so," I said, and we both took a seat not that far from the exit of the gate. I looked around anxiously, wanting my mom and everyone to get here as soon as possible. "Hopefully my mom won’t have to make any hospital visits, sense she is pregnant," I joked, and Louis laughed softly.

"Hopefully not. When is she due?" Louis asked, and I shrugged.

"Not until a few more months, so hopefully nothing will happen when they are down here," I said, and Louis grinned.

Only ten minutes later, an announcement came over the whole airport, saying that flight 102 has landed. I gave Louis a huge grin, before jumping up, him doing the same. We both looked out the window, waiting for everyone to walk through.

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