Chapter 18

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I think the last time I posted this was about two weeks ago. I'M GETTING BETTER AT POSTING! :D

Haha, not at all.

Song: Mean, by Taylor Swift. T-Swizzle is my home gurrl!

Picture: Christi (Halston Sage)

Alright, peace out cub/girl scouts! Enjoy! <3



As I walked through the front door of my house after saying goodbye to Louis, I could hear Lee-Ann and my dad bickering again. I could hear my name being used more than once, so I walked into the living room, curiosity getting the best of me. I saw Christi out of the corner of my eye, roll her eyes at my dad and Lee-Ann so what they were fighting about now must be something she thought was not worth it.

“All that I’m saying is you aren’t trying hard enough to get her out of here. Do you know how much better our family would be without her involved?” Lee- Ann asked my father, her back towards me. My father saw me enter the room, and he didn’t say another word, he just stared at me. “What are you looking at?” Lee-Ann asked him, turning around and making contact with me.

“Are you talking about me?” I asked quietly, looking at Lee-Ann, then my father, than back to her.

“Who else would we be talking about?” Lee-Ann snapped, and I took a step back.

“Do you have a problem with me living here?” I asked her, and she rolled her eyes.

“As if that wasn’t obvious,” Lee-Ann said. “Even your father has agreed with me that you need to be living your life somewhere else.”

I looked at my father, who was looking at the floor, not making eye contact with any of us. “Wow, it’s really nice knowing that my own father doesn’t even want me in his life anymore. Ever since Lee-Ann came into your life, you never wanted anything to do with me. And now I know why,” I said, and Lee-Ann stood up.

“I had no effect on your father’s opinion on you. He has told me many times that he never wanted you to be a part of his life,” Lee-Ann said, a smirk resting on her lips. I shook my head, tears forming in my eyes, as I turned around and ran up the stairs.

As I made my way into my bedroom, I heard the yelling continue downstairs, this time between Lee-Ann and my father. I collapsed on my bed, not even trying to hold back the tears any longer. At this point, I didn’t care if my make-up ran, or if my hair was getting all out of place from lying down. All’s that I could think of was that all this time living here in the UK, my father never actually wanted me here.

I heard a door slam downstairs, and then quick footsteps up the stairs. I didn’t even want to know who came up the stairs, too scared that it would be my father. “Are you okay?”

I opened my eyes, realizing this voice was definitely not my fathers. I saw Christi standing in my bedroom doorway, her eyes resting on me. “I don’t know,” My voice cracked as I sat up in my bed, reaching for a tissue.

I stood up, an idea coming to mind as I got my overnight bag from out under my bed. “What are you doing?” Christi asked, as I placed the bag on my bed and walked over to my closet.

“I’m going to stay somewhere tonight. I don’t want to be stuck here with Lee-Ann and my dad knowing they've been tryin to get rid of me for so long," I said, and Christi came into my room and sat on my bed next to the bag I was packing.

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