Chapter 8

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Alright, I will seriously start updating more. I know exactly where I want to go with this story, and so hopefully I'll write out the chapters faster!

Picture will be of Aurora (:

I'm just saying, this weekend this story hit 7,000+ views. I cannot thank you guys enough! I thank all my fans, and anyone who has taken the time to read this story. I truly appreciate it.

Now, I have a question. Do you guys think this story is worth entering the 2012 Watty Awards? Because I would love the opportunity to enter it, but I have no idea how it will work out, or if this story is even good enough to enter. Leave a comment on your opinion, because I don't know what to do, yet!

Enjoy! :)<3



Aurora and I drove to the apple orchard, and I definitely felt comfortable with her from the minute she was sitting in my car. We laughed almost non-stop the whole way there, and my nerves were slowly starting to die down. I was extremely nervous about todays events, trying not to mess things up. I was trying to not make a fool out of myself, because I really liked Aurora, no matter how long I've known her.

As we pulled into the apple orchard, I saw Aurora staring at the whole place, a smile on her face. I couldn't help but smile too; the fact that I was with her, and that this place brings back so many memories. I saw a little boy run across the main area of the apple orchard where they have a band playing and they are selling food, and I saw him tug on his moms arm to make her look at something. I smiled even bigger, realizing that I used to be that boy. I always wanted to show my mom everything that I saw that seemed to amazing to me, even though it could have been something normal and not exciting at all.

I pulled into an empty parking spot, and Aurora was still smiling as she watched little kids run around, watching other adults either talking or being in line to buy something, watching people of in the distance at the apple trees, placing bright red apples into their bag. Aurora immediately got out the second I turned the ignition off, and I laughed at her, getting out of the car myself. "Have you ever been apple picking before?" I asked her, chuckling, as she playfully glared at me.

"I have, but it was back when I was a little girl, and back when I was living in America," Aurora joked, and I laughed. "I remember my mom picking me up, resting me on her hip, as I reached up to grab the highest apple on the tree," Aurora said, laughing softly to herself. "That was a really long time ago."

"Well, I'm glad that you get to do this again, today," I said, and Aurora nodded, smiling. We walked into the apple orchard, and we immediately made our way over to the apple picking area. We went over to the counter, picking out the biggest bag that you could get, and paying for it. As soon as the lady at the counter handed Aurora the bag for our apples, I ran off towards the tree's, Aurora laughing behind me.

"Are you running away from me?" Aurora yelled, and I laughed, causing my run to slow down. I heard Aurora laugh too, before I heard footsteps quickening behind me. I picked up my pace, trying to get farther away from Aurora. I looked over at my shoulder to see that Aurora was right behind me, the apple bag still in her hand. This was when I realized that I really need to pay attention to where I am going.

I tripped over some tree branch's that were frozen to the ground. It was October, and it was already getting to the cold whether, so I understood why the branch would be frozen into the ground. Tripping over the branch, I feel flat on my stomach, causing an aching pain to shoot through it.

And if matters couldn't get any worse, Aurora had been so close behind me that when I stopped running, she had no time to slow down. So, as I turned over onto my back, Aurora landed half on the right side of my body, the other half on the ground. Aurora looked up at me, her face red. "I am so sorry!" Aurora said, and I grinned.

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