Chapter 12

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Alright, there isn't a whole lot for me to say! xD

Dedication to BelieveInMe143 because she plays Kayla!

Picture is of Kayla {Ariana Grande} :)

Song: Stolen by Dashboard Confessional (i adore this song, and i've known it for the longest time. still a favorite<3)

Let's proceed! Enjoy! :)

oh, PS. Emily (@TomlinsonSchmidtster) and Hannah (@LiveLoveLogan) both sent out shoutouts for their fans to check out my stories. I saw what they wrote, and I really appreciate both of you doing a shout out for me! So, in return, please go and check out their stories because they are both really talented writers! :)<3



                After Aurora left, Louis came back inside the house, a grin on his face. “Why are you so smiley?” Maria asked, and Louis just laughed.

                “Okay, seriously, what’s going on?” Zayn asked, and Louis looked at Zayn, then at everyone else who were staring right at him.

                “I haven’t seen him this happy since he dated Eleanor,” I heard Liam whisper to Faith behind me.

                “Oh, nothing special,” Louis said, still grinning and we all scoffed.

                “Sure, Lou,” Abbey said, and everyone slowly went back to what they were doing. Zayn looked over at me, his eyebrows still raised, and he motioned his head towards Louis.

                “Something definitely happened out there,” Zayn said, and I laughed.

                “I’m sure something did, but if Louis didn’t tell us, he must not want us to know,” I said, and Zayn shrugged, grinning.

                “I kind of have a feeling what happened,” Zayn smirked, and I stared at him in confusion. After a minute I realized what he must mean, and I smiled too.

                “That’s so cute! I bet Aurora is really happy right now,” I said, and Zayn smiled, nodding. He reached over, grabbing my hand with his, and I smiled at him.


                After the drive home, I still had a smile on my face. I still couldn’t believe what happened in the driveway of Louis and Harry’s house, but it happened. And I’m glad it did. I climbed out of my car, making my way inside of the house. Christi saw me, and looked at me in disgust. “What are you smiling about?” Christi asked, and I looked at her, raising my eyebrows.

                “Why do you care?” I asked, and she shrugged.

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