Chapter 19

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First off, I would just like to point out that I'm very thankful to how many views this story has and is getting! It's unbelievable! Thank you all so much!

I also just want to say something really quick. I know you guys want me to update as soon as possible, and I try to! But I can't update around peoples schedules. If you're going to the mall with your friends or something (such a good example xD) and you want me to update before you go, that's a little ridiculous. I can't update to fit everyone's schedules, because that would be impossible. I also have a life, so I will post when I can. And I'm definitely not trying to be rude, because I love the fact that you guys like this story and want me to update, but please understand that I can't upload to fit your schedules :)


Picture: One Direction. Because I don't know what else to do.

Song: Back To December, by Taylor Swift! It's December in the story, and something is going to happen in this chapter! So.. it makes sense.. kind of!




                I woke up with the sun beaming through my window, causing me to squint to be able to see. I rolled over to the other side, looking at the clock; 10:14. Remembering everything that happened last night, I stood up with a sigh and I manage to trudge my way out of the guestroom.

                I walked down the hallway, passing the two other bedrooms and the bathroom, until I reached the living room. Christi was no longer sleeping, and was sitting up on the couch watching whatever was on the tv. Louis was in the kitchen, making some tea. “Morning,” I say, causing Louis and Christi to both look over at me.

                “Morning,” Christi replied back, giving me a gentle smile before looking back at the tv.

                “Morning, Love,” Louis said as he made his way towards me. He wrapped his arms tightly around me, giving me a light kiss on my cheek. I mustered up the best smile I could give, no matter how I was feeling. Louis gave me a look as if he knew that it was a fake smile but he didn’t say anything. He just made his way back to the kitchen, to finish making his tea.

                I made my way over to the couch, sitting down next to Christi. “Oh your phone was ringing this morning. Someone must have been trying to get in touch with you because they called about five times,” Christi said with a laugh, and I smiled as I reached over to the table to grab my phone. Four of the five calls were from my dad which caused me to tense up. I just deleted the messages and noticed the fifth call was from my mom. I decided to call her back.

                “Hello?” My mom picked up as I stood up from the couch to walk back into the guest room, to talk to her in privacy.

                “Hey, Mom,” I replied, taking a seat on the edge of the un-made bed.

                “Hi, Sweetie. Did you get my voicemail from earlier?” My mom asked, and I shook my head, just now realizing that she can’t see me.

                “Oh, no I didn’t. I got that you tried to call me earlier though, so I figured I would call you back.”

                “That’s fine! The reason I called was that we we’re all going to take a trip to the mall for some shopping, before we leave,” As my mom said this, I remembered that they we’re going to be going back home in less than a week. “And Dave thought to call you and ask if you wanted to join in! But then we actually drove by your father’s house, and noticed his car was the only one in the driveway. Are you already out somewhere?” My mother concluded.

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