Chapter 9

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I swear this time, I'm going to post more. I'm on vacation right now, for like 9 days, and so I will be writing nonstop over vacation!:)

Dedication to LiveLoveLogan. <3 :) You fabulouuuss<3

Picture of... One Direction. Why not. xD

Song: I Should've Kissed You by One Direction




We walked inside Harry and I's house, and the boys were all sitting on the couch, watching tv. Zayn turned around, smiling at us. "How did the jack-o-laterns come out?" Zayn asked, and Aurora burst out laughing, looking at me.

"Let's just say, mine didn't come out as beautiful as hers," I said, motioning to Aurora. She continued to laugh, causing the other boys to laugh on the couch.

"Louis, what did you put on your jack-o-latern?" Niall asked, and I narrowed his eyes at him, shaking my head.

"I drew a face... but not a very good one!" I said, and Aurora continued to laugh softly under her breath, as she and I both walked over to the couch, joining the other boys.

"When are the girls coming?" Aurora asked, looking at the boys, me doing the same.

"I think they were all coming together, and that they were almost here," Harry said, checking his phone. "Yeah, Maria texted me a few minutes ago saying they were almost here."

"Ooh, Maria," Liam smirked, and Harry smacked him. "Ow?"

"You can't say anything, since you don't ever stop talking about Faith," Harry remarked, and Liam's face when red. "Yeah, thats what I thought."

At that moment, the doorbell went off, and all four boys stood up, racing to the door. Aurora and I laughed, both of us standing up and walking to the door, casually.

"Hey!" I heard Abbey call from the door, and then a chorus of hello's coming from the other girls and the boys. I saw Maria, Kayla, Abbey and Faith all walk through the doorway, each of the boys making their way to one of the girls, hugging them.

"Hi, guys!" Kayla said, coming over to Aurora and I. Her and Aurora exchanged a hug, then moving onto me. The other girls followed Kayla's example, and pretty soon everyone was in the living room sitting on the couch. Aurora made her way over to Maria, Abbey, and Niall, all of them laughing over something that was just said.

I didn't realize that I was doing it, but I didn't realize that I was smiling at her from across the room until Harry, Liam and Faith came up to me. Zayn and Kayla laughed at me too, before going back to their own conversation. "So, did you two have fun today?" Liam asked me, and I nodded.

"I've noticed that since you two got back, a smile hasn't left your face," Harry remarked, and I rolled my eyes, laughing slightly.

"Well, I just got here, so I wouldn't be able to have any input on that. But, it seems as though you really like her," Faith said, and I laughed.

"I mean, I do. But I did only just meet her not to long ago. I don't think I could really like someone so much in so little time," I said, looking at all three of them.

"It can happen," Liam said, Harry and him smirking at each other before Liam looked at Faith, Harry glancing over at Maria. I grinned at them, before standing up and making my way over to Aurora, who's eyes were just barely open as she stood their, listening to Abbey tell a story. I laughed softly at her, causing Abbey to get distracted from her story, her voice slowly coming to a stop.

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