Chapter 21

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First thing, I know it's been FOREVER since I have last updated and this is a really short chapter but it's SOMETHING. I know you are all gonna hate me because of the ending, but I have an idea for the next chapter, and I promise you it will be up within the next.. month. Kidding, kidding. But I'm sorry for this sucky update, and please don't hurt me because of the ending!


Like I said, I know I haven't updated in FOREVER. But a lot of stuff has been going on lately, and I've just been extremely busy. It's been a really tough time and you guys just have to stick with me!

Dedicated to TomlinsonSchmidtster <3

Song: Fix You, Coldplay.. this songs emotional, guys. Get yo tissues.

There is no picture because I don't know what to make it.

For a final time, sorry for the short and sucky update but at least it's something! Enjoy, or try to enjoy!



I pushed the front door to the hospital open, every single one of us running up to the front desk. We all started to ask questions about Aurora and Louis, and the young woman looked very overwhelmed. “Everyone, please calm down and I’ll direct you to where you need to go.”

She only had given us the number of the room Louis was in, and told us Aurora wasn’t ready for visitors yet. Obviously something was wrong and Faith and I exchanged a worried glance. “Come on, let’s go to the elevators,” Maria said, before we made our way to the elevators. Kayla clicked the elevator button, and we all waited before I ran over to the button and punching it over and over. “Abbey, Abbey! Calm down,” Niall said, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me from the wall. I don’t know what came over me, I just needed to make sure they were okay. Tears started to fall down my face as Liam shook his head, and I could tell he looked frustrated.

“This is ridiculous, let’s take the stairs,” He said, before Zayn opened the door to enter the stairs. We all ran up the stairs as fast as possible. Once reaching the third floor, we all examined every room number. When we reached Louis’ room, 311, the doctor was closing the door behind him. “Is Louis allowed visitors?” Harry asked the doctor, and the doctor nodded.

“You’re in luck, he just woke up about ten minutes ago,” The doctor smiled slightly, before walking away and letting us enter. Louis was sitting up in the best, his head resting against the many pillows he had available to him. As I looked around the room, hospitals are really just how they are described in stories and movies; white blankets, white walls, white everything. I probably wouldn’t be able to stand being trapped in a room like this for a long period of time.

“Hey, Lou. How are you?” Kayla asked him, and he shrugged.

“As good as I can be, I guess. Have you guys heard anything about Aurora?” Louis immediately asked, and we all shook our head.

“The lady at the front desk only told us that she wasn’t allowed visitors,” Zayn said, his arm wrapped around Kayla’s waist.

“I really want to know how she’s doing. I asked the doctor, but he didn’t answer me,” Louis asked, and I noticed he wasn’t even looking at us. He was looking straight ahead at the blank, white wall in front of him. His eyes were glassy, and lined with tears.

The door opened behind us, Dave and Aurora’s mom entering with Daisy and Molly in their arms. “Hey, everyone,” Dave said, all of us returning the greeting. I noticed that Aurora’s mother had been crying because tear stains were on her cheeks while her eyes were blood shot.

“Have you seen Aurora yet?” Louis asked them, and they nodded

“They had to put her into ICU, and we saw her just before that,” Dave said softly, looking over at his wife who’s eyes weren’t leaving the floor.

“Do you know if she’s okay?” Faith asked, and Dave shrugged.

“All’s we know is that she was put into a coma and that she was hit harder than Louis was,” Dave said, his voice getting lower and lower as he continued speaking.

“A coma?” Louis asked, his voice shaking. Dave simply nodded, his eyes started to water. We all stood in silence, not knowing how to express what we were feeling in words.


It’s all my fault. It’s all my fault that Aurora is in ICU and is in a coma. That should have been me. I should be the one who is in Auroras place. I should be the one in the coma. This is all my fault.

"I have to see her," I said, and everyone gave me a strange look.

"You can't leave with all of those wires attached to you. She isn't even allowed visitors," Liam said.

"You don't get it. I have to see her. I need to make sure she's alright."

"Louis, you can't see her right now." Abbey said, and I bit my lip. I was about to say something else, but at that very moment the nurse opened the door and poked her head in. "Visiting hours are over," She said, and they all nodded.

After many hugs and goodbye's were exchanged, I was finally left alone in the hospital room. That was, until the nurse came in and pulled up a chair.

"Alright, I have some good news and some bad news," She said, and I looked up at her. "The good news is, is that you can get unhooked from all of these wires tomorrow in the afternoon and you will be released either tomorrow night, or the next day."

"Thats good. What's the bad news?" I urged on. The nurse waited, and looked at me for a while before opening her mouth to speak.

"Louis," She started, and I gave her a worried look.

"What? What's going on?"

"Aurora hasn't been doing so good. All of her tests we're trying aren't working, and her estimated time to come out of the coma is..." The doctor said, the last few words mumbled, almost non-existent.

"What was the last part?" I managed to say, my voise becoming weak, my throat tightening. I knew what she was going to say next; I just didn't actually want to hear it outloud.

"Louis... Louis, Aurora is dead."

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