Chapter 20

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  • Dedicated to Hannah and Bryanna!

Oh what is this.. an update!

This is kind of an emotional chapter...

This is a short authors note.. oh well.

Dedicated to Hannah (@LiveLoveLogan) and Bryanna (@brymeXD) because they told me to dedicate it to both of them... Cool girls. Fan them!

Picture is Aurora (Victoria Justice)! Shes so pretty and skinny and perfect and urgh. GIVE ME YOUR BEAUTY.

Commenting, voting, and fanning would be appreciated, young children!

PS. I would just like to thank everyone for getting this too 200,000+ views! I can't even explain in words of how thankful I am! <3



Well, it was officially the day.

It’s been a week since my mom has told me that I was coming back to California with her, Dave and the kids. And now, it was the day that I would step onto a plane and land in California, saying goodbye to everything - and everyone - here in England.

I was sitting in Louis and Harry's house's living room, with all the boys and girls here. We weren't saying goodbye at the airport because I was meeting my mom and Dave and the kids at the place they've been staying. Then we were all going to ride to the airport together from there. Louis was the only one that was coming with me because he was driving me to my mom's.

But that's not a bad thing; I get too spend more time with him.

"I think we should head out soon," Louis whispered to me, his eyes on the ground. I nodded, before standing up off the couch to start to say goodbye to everyone.


As Louis drove away from the house, I could only stare out the window, and at all my friends standing in the driveway, waving. I waved back, trying to blink away the tears. As soon as they were completely out of view, I finally  turned back to face the front, but I still looked out the window. I didn't want Louis to see me fall to pieces.

Louis didn't say anything, he just reached over the middle console and grabbed onto my hand. He intertwined our fingers and gave me a sad smile, and I tried my best to return it.

The rest of the car ride was silent. It wasn't an awkward silence, we were just too upset to speak. And as soon as we pulled up to my Mom and Dave's rental house that they have been staying in, I regretted not talking to him because this is the last time I would be seeing him; for who knows how long.

I opened the door to the car as soon as possible, as if that would buy me more time. And maybe if I took long enough, the plane would lift off without us. But the chances of that happening are very slim. I slid off of the car seat as my feet hit the pavement. I shut my door, before opening the trunk and getting my suitcases. I managed to hold in the tears while getting the suitcases out. I was about to walk up the driveway and up to the front door when Louis grabbed my arm gently.

I turned to face him, not being able to look up at him or else I would break down. I stared at one single rock that was in the driveway as Louis began to talk to me. "Please, don't go."

"I have no choice," I said, my voice weak, cracking after every word.

"Tell them that you can stay with me. We can make the guest bedroom into your bedroom, and Harry won't mind you staying because he really likes you and-"

"Louis, stop. They aren't going to let me move in with you. They don't want me here in general. I really would like to stay, but I can't." I said, finally looking up at him. I felt a tear trickle down my cheek and Louis placed his hand on the side of my face, wiping away the tear with his thumb.

"Please don't cry, Love," Louis whispered, his forehead connecting with mine. I couldn't stand to look at him, or else my tears would be uncontrollable.

"I'm going to miss hearing you call me that everyday," I whispered back, my voice not fully working. I slowly started to lift my eyes to look into his. He started to lean in, as I felt his hot breath tickle my lips. Just as I could feel his lips lightly brush on mine, the front door opened and we jumped apart.

"Hey," My mom said, smiling and I tried to smile back but failed. "You ready to go?"

"Not really, but I don't think I really have a choice," I mumbled, and my mom smiled sadly at me.

"I better get going," Louis said, and I nodded slowly.

"You aren't going no where, because I don't want my daughter stranded here while the rest of us go to the airport," My mom said, and I looked at her, raising my eyebrows.

"What?" I asked.

"Louis can't leave without you, because then you'd be stuck here," My mom said, a smile starting to form on my face.

"Wait. Are you saying I can stay?" I said, a smile starting to grow on my face.

"Yes," My mom said, and all the tears I had been holding in started to pour down, out of pure excitment. I jumped into Louis' arms as he spun us around and kissing my cheek lightly. My mom laughed as I heard the door open, Molly, Daisy and Dave all coming out to join us.

"We agreed to let you stay and live with Louis, if that's alright with you," Dave asked, looking at Louis.

"That's perfectly fine with me," Louis said, putting me back on the ground.

Molly walked right up to Louis and I and started to poke my leg. "Yes?" I asked her, still crying.

"Are you not coming back with us to California?" Molly asked, and I kneeled down next to her.

"No, not this time. But I promise I will be talking to you all the time," I smiled, and so did she. "And I'm sure you'll be seeing this member of your favorite band more, too."

Molly jumped up and down with a huge grin on her face as Louis picked her up and hugged her.

"Alright, you kids should probably head on back because were heading to the airport really soon," Dave said, and I nodded.


After saying goodbye to my mom, Dave and the girls, Louis and I headed back to Louis and Harry's place. I decided to text Abbey to let her and everyone know that I was staying.

Aurora's Texts//Abbey's Texts

Good news! My mom decided to let me stay! :D




Haha! Abbey, calm down.


I laughed as I locked my phone screen, and put it back in my pocket. "Are they all happy?" Louis asked me, glancing at me from the drivers seat, smiling at me.

"Yeah," I laughed. "By the way Abbey was responding, they sounded excited."

"They should be. I know I am," Louis said, leaning over and kissing my lips softly.

"Louis, pay attention to the road!" I scream, slapping his arm as he sits back to normal, laughing.

"Calm down, Aurora," Louis joked, and I stuck my tongue out at him. He leaned back over, and kissed me again. Only this time the kiss lasted longer.

"Louis stop! Louis, watch out!" I screamed as Louis ended up driving onto the wrong side of the road, and another car ending up coming our way. In the few seconds that this lasted, I knew they weren't paying attention, and they swerved right into the passenger side of our car.

And before I knew it, everything was slowly fading to black.

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