chapter two

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'We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned,

so as to have the life that is waiting for us.'

Joseph Campbell

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Day Two

Things had not calmed down in the way Olivia had hoped they would by the time she woke up the next morning. Stepping outside, she saw that the kids were still as wild as they had been yesterday and frankly, she wasn't quite sure what to do about it. A few of them had noticed her – she could tell from their wary glances – but mostly they had no idea that an adult was with them, let alone an adult who planned their departure there. As if, imagine if Kai could hear me now. Me? An adult? She paused as she noticed some kids fighting over a stick. Yeah, I'm an adult.

She was going to head back in when she noticed Wells Jaha dragging one of the dead bodies away. Olivia had cleaned up the drop ship, organising things as best as she could but she couldn't bring herself to go near the bodies. She'd felt guilty leaving them there, after all, they were someone's sons but it made her feel sick to even think about touching them.

Wells didn't seem to have the same issue though as he eventually disappeared into the trees. She assumed he was going to bury them but that would be a rough job for just him. Sighing, she went back into the drop ship, finding the place she'd left the shovels – she'd convinced the Ark to allow five. As expected, one was missing and she picked up another one, carrying it out to the area she'd seen Wells go.

A small distance from where everyone was making camp, Wells was digging a grave. He had made a small amount of progress but was still a while away from it being deep enough. Olivia didn't know what to say to him. How were you meant to ask someone if they wanted help digging some graves? Eventually, she decided not to say anything, silently coming to stand some distance away and starting a new grave.

The sound of another shovel must have startled Wells because he looked up in surprise, his eyes widening as he realised who she was. "Olivia Hathaway?" he gasped, pausing with his shovel in mid air.

She dug her shovel in as she replied, "The one and only."

"How? Why?" Wells struggled for words before he eventually stated, "I thought it was just delinquents coming down."

"That was the original plan," she nodded, then putting her annoyance into the shovel, she added, "But it was also originally planned that you'd all land on Mount Weather. Why can't life ever go as smoothly as projections?" Looking up, she saw that her answer hadn't alleviated his confusion or shock at all. Usually she was less sarcastic than this because sarcasm just wasn't efficient and slowed things down but with all the chaos going on, it was hard not to let her frustration seep to the surface. "Sorry," she sighed, "I uh, I went back into the drop ship about forty seconds before its launch in order to close this box filled with resources but instead I ran into Bellamy Blake. He didn't want me to stop the launch so he knocked me out and now I'm here."

Wells frowned, nodding in understanding, "You're the one who cleaned up the drop ship?"

Olivia couldn't help but to smile slightly at this, "Aw, thanks for noticing. I tried to salvage and organise everything as best as I could – I also took inventory and have started thinking about what we might need to gather because I have the feeling the other kids won't want to move to Mount Weather-"

"-why don't you talk to them?" Wells questioned, cutting her off.

Eyebrows furrowed, Olivia could only muster a weak, "Huh?"

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