chapter fourteen

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'I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates

So stubbornly is because they sense,

Once hate is gone,

They will be forced to deal with pain.'

James Baldwin

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"Someone wants to see you," Raven smiled, "Close your eyes."

Olivia furrowed her eyebrows suspiciously but did as said, jumping slightly as she felt Raven slide a headset onto her head. After it was on, Raven placed her hands on her shoulders, manoeuvring her into the tent and sitting her down in a seat that they must have dragged out of there. She then removed her hands from Olivia's shoulders slowly but didn't say anything, which made her frown. "You can open your eyes now, Olive," a strikingly familiar voice told her through the headset.

Gasping in total disbelief, Olivia's eyes sprung open, landing on a screen in front of her. She was filled with relief and joy to find that she hadn't misheard. The footage was grainy but it was most definitely Kai on the other end. He was grinning at her, the dimples in his cheeks more pronounced than she'd remembered. The beard he'd been growing had spread further on his face now, making him seem much older than when she'd last seen him. He must have realised that she was too shocked to reply because he laughed.

"You look awful, sis," he joked, "When was the last time you washed your hair?"

She let out a surprised laugh, her eyes glassing over with emotion. "I..." she stopped to look up and blink away the tears, before she attempted to continue, "I was scared that I might never see you again."

Kai nodded seriously, "I understand what you mean - I feel that way every time I look away from my reflection.

Giggling, she shook her head, "God, I forgot how snarky you could be - I was just remembering the cheesy and sentimental side of you."

"Shush," he smirked, "You'll expose my true nature to Raven."

Rolling her eyes, Olivia glanced back at Raven who was watching the exchange with a smile on her face. "How did you do this?" Olivia asked, still in disbelief at the fact this was all happening. Not only did she have to rebuild the tent but she'd also managed to get a video chat going.

Raven shrugged sheepishly, "I couldn't sleep last night so the moment the rain stopped, I got to work. Though I have to say, it was Kai's idea to use the screen in the dropship to create a video chat."

Olivia looked between the two, mouth gaping open. "This is so amazing, you're such a genius Raven," she said, her awe showing in her tone.

The girl laughed, shaking her head. "It was nothing, honestly - it helped me think," she replied, "I'll give you guys some time to catch up while I go get Clarke and Bellamy."

Olivia nodded, watching as Raven left the tent before turning back to Kai. Now that she could finally talk to him, she found that she had no idea what to say. There was so much to tell him that she found herself unable to vocalise it all. Instead, she just asked, "So how are you guys? How have you been doing?"

"Honestly? We've been worried sick about you for the past two weeks," he sighed, "What happened, Olive? The Ark footage showed you getting back onto the dropship and never coming back off."

"I left a box open and I went back to close it but I ran into Bellamy Blake on the way," she explained, "He needed to come down here so he knocked me out but it's all okay now." She found herself needing to defend Bellamy from the look on Kai's face. "He actually saved my life a couple of times and he's been a kind of good leader." The last part came off slightly as a question because he had had his questionable leader moments.

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