chapter seven

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'I guess by now I should know enough about loss to realise

that you never really stop missing someone –

you just learn to live around the huge gaping hole of their absence.'

Alyson Noel

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Wells' funeral was as brief as it was scarce of people.

They held it later on in the day after Clarke had managed to calm down and they'd finished burying the body. Olivia had drifted away to find some flowers with Monty and was clutching them tightly in her hands, waiting for Clarke to begin the service. Many of the kids were shocked by his death – though unfortunately none seemed very sad about it; even into death Wells was blamed for his father's decisions.

Standing in front of his grave was Olivia, Clarke, Finn and Monty. Jasper was still too weak and scared to leave the dropship so Octavia had volunteered to stay with him – feeling slightly uncomfortable being at the funeral of someone who she'd treated bitterly. Thinking back to how she'd first treated Wells, Olivia couldn't help but to feel guilty. Her hands were hung in front of her, her eyes on the patch of dirt, wondering how it was possible that Wells was here yesterday but gone now.

Death was so abstract. Sometimes she didn't believe it was real. How was it that people who'd once been in your life could be gone forever? The biggest death to affect her had been Illyria's and still, four years later, she expected to see Ria come around the corner, with a smug grin on her face and a mischievous look in her eye. It was crazy but Olivia found it strange to imagine that someone could be gone forever.

"May we meet again," Clarke said, her voice quiet yet strong. Her eyes were glued to his grave before her shoulders dropped and she turned, walking away. Finn looked after her in surprise, likely expecting a longer funeral and more to say. He chased after her, leaving Olivia and Monty standing in front of the grave.

They shared a look and Olivia approached the grave, laying the flowers gently on top of the dirt before coming to stand beside Monty. "May we meet again," Monty repeated, sighing deeply. His eyes were downcast, his lips turned down.

Placing a reassuring hand on his arm, Olivia did her best to smile, "We should go check on Jasper."

Monty nodded silently and interlocking her arm with his, they walked back into the main camp, going to the dropship. It was clear that his death had affected the whole camp as many of them were on edge. The grounders were a serious issue – especially if they were killing members of their group just outside of camp. The graveyard was growing – the fact that it could even be called a graveyard said all that was needed to say. Whilst all those hadn't been grounder caused deaths, they were still worrying.

They were partway to the dropship when Olivia heard Bellamy call her name, prompting her to stop. "Go ahead without me," she told Monty, pulling her arm from his and watching the boy walk to the dropship, occasionally glancing back at her and Bellamy with concern and curiosity. For some reason, she felt like a big sister to all the kids down there – especially Clarke and her group. More than anything, she wanted to protect them.

"Oli," Bellamy stopped just in front of her, his chest heaving as he'd ran over to her. She looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to tell her what he wanted. His ran a hand through his hair awkwardly, his face turning sombre. "Uh, Olivia," he corrected, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," she furrowed her eyebrows.

He sighed, nodding slowly, "And Clarke?"

Olivia shrugged tiredly, "She's... she's mourning. Doing her best to cope, I guess. Wells was her best friend since they were children. That kind of bond – nothing can break it."

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