chapter six

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'You will find that it is necessary to let things go;

simply for the reason that they are heavy.

So let them go, let go of them.

I tie no weights to my ankles.'

C. Joybell C

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Day Six

When Olivia woke up, she found that Charlotte and Bellamy were both dead asleep. Charlotte was still in the same position as last time whilst Bellamy was sat against a wall, facing them with his head lolling to the side. Standing, she stretched, finding that the sleep hadn't actually made her feel better at all and her limbs still ached. She sent Bellamy and Charlotte a wary glance before walking over to the cave entrance, releasing a relieved breath upon finding that the fog had cleared. Stepping outside, she saw that everything was back to how it had been - you wouldn't even know what had transpired only a few hours ago.

Looking around one last time, she went back into the darkness of the cave, deciding to wake Bellamy first. She crouched down, shaking him gently on the shoulder. "Bellamy," she said, trying to sound nice but firm. "Bellamy, wake up," she continued shaking him, only stopping as his eyes began to open.

He blinked, staring up at her before his lips quirked up a little, "Morning, Oli." His voice was raspy with sleep, which only made the statement resonate with her more. Something about the quirk of his lips, the crinkle of his eyes - it made her heart skip a beat. How cheesy.

"The fog has cleared," she told him, clearing her throat, "You should probably wake up Charlotte." For some reason, she felt uncomfortable approaching the young girl - maybe because she reminded her too much of her past. She knew so many kids who'd ended up in the Skybox - she'd almost been one of them and none of them had made it out. All of the friends she'd made who'd been put into the Skybox had been floated. Eighteen was like a death sentence for kids that had grown up like she had.

The light outside was bright and the birds were chirping, as though something traumatic hadn't occurred the previous day. She wanted to find some hint that the fog had been there, something to say that it had definitely happened. The phrase 'be careful what you wish for' became very true as they happened across Atom.

He was alive, but with the state he was in, Olivia wasn't sure if that was a good thing. He was marred by burns and blisters, his skin red and angry. His eyes were clouded over, staring painfully at the sky. There was blood coating his lips and his chest was heaving irregularly. It was Charlotte who spotted him, screaming as her eyes caught him. Olivia and Bellamy had run after her - Olivia almost falling over as her eyes landed on him. Bellamy caught her, his hands resting on her shoulders. He sent her a look that said wait before going over to him. He whispered something to Bellamy, begging the boy to kill him. Seeing that Bellamy was terrified, she walked over to him, crouching down too.

Olivia swallowed, almost jumping out of her skin as Charlotte tapped her shoulder. They looked up at the girl, raising a questioning eyebrow. From her pocket, she pulled out a knife, holding it out to them. Olivia's lips parted as she stared up at the girl. "Don't be afraid," Charlotte whispered. Bellamy reached for the knife, taking it from her hand hesitantly.

Turning away from Bellamy, Olivia gave Charlotte a serious look, "Go back to camp."

The little girl didn't look happy about the order but did as told, turning around and heading off into the trees. Now they were both left to do it, staring at the knife in complete terror. To take a life - the life of someone they'd known - someone that Olivia had sent down, it was daunting and unimaginable. They both paused as they saw someone coming over, glancing up to see Clarke, eyes wide and frightened.

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