chapter twenty

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'I used to want to fix people,

But now I just want to be with them.'

Bob Goff

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The revelation that Olivia might be at risk made him freeze, not knowing how to feel about the panic that spread through him. Connor had just told him about Octavia so she'd been the only thing on his mind but now that he knew that Olivia had been out there as well, he found her filling his mind. "I'll go find her," he told them, turning and leaving the dropship quickly. After he'd found out about the grounder, he'd been doing all he could to stop caring about her but how could he do that when she might have been sick?

He checked everywhere she'd usually be at that time, from the meeting tent to the food area but she was nowhere to be found. Realising that he hadn't gone to her tent, he ran over to it, looking instead to find that she was lying unconscious on the floor. Her body was sprawled out, blood running down her face.

Heart stopping, he dropped down to her, shaking her gently. "Olivia?" he said, "Oli?" She was so still, it was like she wasn't breathing and terrified she was dead, Bellamy checked her pulse to see that thankfully it was still there. But her chest wasn't rising and falling.

Leaning forward, he checked her airways and found that she genuinely wasn't breathing. Emotions wild, he placed his hands over her chest, doing chest compressions and hoping it would work. It did seem to help as she coughed, revealing that there was liquid in her throat. He tipped her over, watching as she vomited it all out onto the floor and patting her back reassuringly.

Once it was all out, he laid her back onto her back, appraising her face in worry. "Olivia?" he frowned, not sure why she wasn't waking up. He'd treated her awfully since that night and he couldn't stand the idea of her dying with that being the last way she remembered him. Forgetting about the risks associated with it, Bellamy scooped her up, carrying her in his arms over to the dropship.

Clarke had been washing a rag as he entered, her eyes widening as she saw them. She made a space for Olivia on the floor and Bellamy laid her down gently, brushing some hair off her face. "I found her in her tent," he told Clarke urgently, "She had a pulse but she wasn't breathing."

Gulping, Clarke looked over Olivia. "If she still had a pulse then that means that she wasn't not breathing for long," Clarke replied, "She should be fine so long as we keep an eye on her."

"She'll wake up?" Bellamy frowned.

Clarke looked nervous but nodded slowly, "She should do." Then she looked at Bellamy, complaining, "You shouldn't be in here. You'll catch it too."

"I'm not leaving until she wakes up," Bellamy argued, looking back down at her. He had to make sure she was okay, that she would get though this. Looking over at Clarke, he saw that she had a wet rag, taking it from her and using it to clean Olivia's face.

Pursing her lips, Clarke assessed the situation. She knew from the look on Bellamy's face that she couldn't send him away so instead she sighed, "Make sure you cover your face then. Try not to catch it."

Bellamy nodded, looking at Clarke briefly to see her leave to check on some other campers before his eyes went back to Olivia. He'd cleaned most of the dried blood but there was still blood coming for her nose and her face was a sickly shade. She was sweating, her temperature boiling but still shivering at the same time. He got a clean rag for her, putting some cold water on it and laying it on her forehead in an attempt to cool her down.

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