chapter nine

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'Once the thunderstorm starts,

raindrops can no longer vote.'

Mike Klepper

(who by the way, I can't find anything about on the internet and it's kind of weird)

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Day Nine

"I just want to make it clear that I don't want to be hanging out with you right now," Olivia found herself stating as she and Bellamy walked through the forest. Though she'd told him that she'd changed her mind, she still very much wanted to go wash up and so that morning, she'd reluctantly asked him to go with her. As they walked, she kept her eyes peeled, nervously looking around in case she spotted that same grounder again.

Bellamy smirked, rolling his eyes, "I'd like to respond to that by making it clear that I do want to be hanging out with you."

Pursing her lips, Olivia glanced over at him, finding that he was watching her with a smug smirk on his face. She'd never seen him on the Ark but she could guess that he was probably a real ladies man on there. How could he not be when he was as confident and cute as he was? "I'm going to ignore that response," she eventually muttered, speeding up slightly to get a bit ahead of him.

"Whatever the hell you want, Oli," he joked, effortlessly keeping up with her.

Olivia grumbled, "I should call you something you'll hate too." Bellamy raised his eyebrows in challenge. "Like Amy or something."

"Amy," he hummed, "I dunno, I kind of like it."

Rolling her eyes, Olivia told herself not to reply, knowing that he was enjoying her annoyance. Instead, she just stayed quiet as they walked through the trees, feeling relieved as they finally reached the plunge pool. He released a deep breath, coming to stand in front of it and turning to stare at her expectantly. She paused, her cheeks growing warm as she realised she needed to take off her clothes.

After a moment of awkward silence, Olivia cleared her throat, "Please turn around."

Bellamy's eyes widened for a second and he nodded, turning quickly, his hands going to his hair in slight discomfort. Waiting a second to check that he wasn't turning around, Olivia started stripping down to her underwear, pulling her clothes off as fast as possible before running and jumping into the water. She heard a laugh come from Bellamy, rising from the water to see him standing there with his hands on his hips.

He smiled, watching her for a moment before he nodded behind her, "Your turn now."

"Huh?" she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Turn around, Oli," his smile grew into a grin, "I'm shy."

Huffing, Olivia turned as she muttered, "You're an asshole, that's what you are."

Despite already turning around, she felt it necessary to close her eyes as well, just in case she caught the reflection of his body or something. Realistically, she knew that it was ridiculous of her to think that but she just couldn't help it. When she felt a splash beside her, she turned around to see Bellamy emerging from the water, his hair clinging to his face.

"Do you know what would be really nice?" Bellamy wondered out loud.

Olivia splashed around slightly, raising her eyebrows, "What?"

"Some kind of soap," he sighed.

Mouth popping open, Olivia realised what she'd forgotten in her hurry to not be seen by Bellamy. "Speaking of which," Olivia said, "One sec." She waded back over to the edge of the pool, reaching for where she'd left her clothes on the rock. In the pocket of her trousers were some flower bulbs that Monty had identified as good for their cleaning and cleansing properties. The scientifical name had been Chlorogalum but she preferred the unofficial names, like soaproot which made its purpose much more obvious.

All We Do ↠ Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now