chapter three

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"A man is nothing more than the things he does to get what he wants."

Hal Ackerman

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They'd spent the first ten minutes walking well ahead of Bellamy and Murphy, who seemed to be up to no good. Olivia tried to pay no mind to them though, instead asking Clarke about the journey to and from Mount Weather in order to try and glean some information that might help. She'd learnt that there was a river nearby that wasn't on the map, which Olivia noted down, tucking the knowledge away for when they needed water and she needed to clean up. It was mostly things like that which Clarke told her, which made everything easier as she stuck to the important things.

After that they'd walked silently and Olivia found herself multi-tasking her thoughts. On one hand, she was busy trying to figure out what was going on with Bellamy Blake and on the other, she was focusing on the places they passed and noting down anything of significance. Her thoughts were abruptly halted though as Bellamy and Murphy circled around them, closing them in as Bellamy pointedly waved his gun around, saying, "Hey, hold up. What's the rush? You don't survive a spear through the heart."

"Are you threatening us right now?" Olivia raised her eyebrows in disbelief, folding the map away for a second.

"Jasper screamed when they moved him. If the spear struck his heart, he'd have died instantly," Clarke told them, "It doesn't mean we have time to waste." She went to walk away but Bellamy grabbed her wrist.

"As soon as you take your wristband off, we can go," Bellamy smirked.

Clarke snatched her hand from him, hissing, "The only way The Ark is gonna think I'm dead, is if I'm dead. Got it?"

"Brave princess," Bellamy raised his eyebrows.

"Hey, why don't you find your own nickname?" A voice called. Everyone paused, turning in surprise to see Finn coming from the trees. Has he been trailing behind the whole time? "You call this a rescue party? Got to split up, cover more ground. Clarke, come with me," he told her, leading the way. Olivia watched as they walked off, waiting for the other three to start walking before following behind. It was clear from the way that Wells was looking up at them that he was jealous and it seemed she wasn't the only person that had noticed.

"Guess we got more in common than meets the eye, huh?" Bellamy asked Wells as they walked.

"We have nothing in common," Wells spat.

"No? We both came down here to protect someone we love. Your secret's safe with me. 'Course for you, it's worse. With Finn around, Clarke doesn't even see you. It's like you're not even here." His words did as planned as Wells sent him a glare before storming ahead.

Olivia watched him go, eyes going to Bellamy in silent appraisal. The need to know how he was down here was overwhelming her but she tried to swallow it down, opening up the map to continue what she was doing. Unfortunately for her, it became impossible for her to swallow it down as he slowed his pace down, leaving Murphy ahead to walk in line with her. It was obvious he was about to say something but she didn't give him time.

"Where'd you get the gun?" she asked, keeping her eyes focused on the map and the area around them.

Bellamy didn't reply for a second, probably thrown off by the surprise question but he eventually replied evenly. "The Ark," he said, "All guards get guns."

"But you weren't a guard anymore," Olivia glanced over at him, narrowing her eyes.

"What makes you say that?" he replied, clearly adept at lying.

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