chapter fifteen

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'And in the end, we were all just humans...

Drunk on the idea that love

Only love,

Could heal our brokenness.'

Christopher Poindexter

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Day Fifteen

"Morning," Olivia said, not looking up at Bellamy as she packed her bag. He didn't respond and she furrowed her brow, looking over to see he had an unusually serious expression on his face. She was going to ask him if he was okay but he started piling rations into his bag, way more than was necessary for their trip. "That's a lot of rations for just this trip," she frowned, "You do realise that we're only going to be gone for the day right?"

"A lot can happen in a day, Oli," he smirked, stopping after the bag was basically filled to the brim.

Fortunately for Bellamy, Clarke came over to them, ready to go and managed to distract Olivia from complaining about what Bellamy had taken. Clarke had come from Finn and Raven's tent and she looked stressed, but despite that, she forced a smile towards the both of them, questioning, "Ready to go?"

Olivia nodded absentmindedly, her attention briefly taken away by Octavia standing by the dropship. Their eyes met and she gave her a nod, her eyes going to the trees where she knew that Orion was hiding in somewhere. "Yeah, let's go," Olivia said, following beside the two of them. She could only hope that Octavia would be able to get Lincoln out safely but something told her that she wouldn't have to worry about that too much; Octavia was a capable girl.

Leaving camp after the storm was strange as there were slight but noticeable differences all around. The ground was dry now, having had the previous day to recover but something about the forest felt damp and dewy, more so than usual. They walked in silence for awhile, until Olivia decided that it was probably best to bring up the talk with Clarke sooner rather than later. "So, how's Finn doing?" Olivia asked, brows raised in innocent curiosity.

Clarke glanced over at her, frowning, "I don't wanna talk about it."

"I'm guessing that's probably how you feel about you and your mother as well, right?" she grimaced.

Narrowing her eyes, Clarke looked over at Bellamy who was a little ahead of them. It was unlike him but he'd been uncharacteristically quiet and serious since they left camp. Olivia wasn't sure what was wrong with him but she had some theories - maybe it was due to Octavia or maybe the incoming arrival of the Ark was getting to him or maybe it happened to be both of those and more. Either way, she figured that he'd talk eventually; he always seemed to share his feelings with her without too much prompting.

"If you wanna talk, let's talk about whatever is going on with you and Bellamy," Clarke smirked.

"What?" Olivia scoffed, "That's ridiculous, there's nothing going on between me and him."

"Then why'd you invite him today?" she raised her eyebrows, "I'm sure we could have done this by ourselves."

Biting her lip, Olivia's eyes went to Bellamy who was walking in front cautiously. He was holding a makeshift axe in his hand as he was worried a grounder might attack. She obviously couldn't tell Clarke that she'd invited Bellamy so that Octavia could have an opportunity to free Lincoln but she also didn't want Clarke thinking that she had feelings for Bellamy - because I don't.

"I don't know," Olivia furrowed her eyebrows, trying to come up with a fake logical explanation, "Another pair of hands won't be any harm and Bellamy's strong, he knows how to fight so if we run into anything bad then he'll be help and-"

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