chapter five

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'what happens when people open their hearts?

they get better.'

Haruki Murakami

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One thing Olivia had to praise herself for was not being clumsy; she wasn't super duper athletic but she also didn't have two left feet, which meant that navigating through this dense forest - whilst difficult was not impossible. That being said, she was much slower than the boys she'd come along with, feeling more like a burden than any help. She'd done her best to refuse coming along, but Bellamy had insisted that they needed her to come along to help organise them or something. It was totally lame but Olivia had to give him props for trying so hard - besides, she wanted to learn how to do this kind of thing anyway.

"It's cool that you know the forest well and all," Bellamy said beside her. She'd noticed that he'd slowed his pace in order to walk in line with her, rolling her eyes at it. "But like you said earlier, there are dangerous grounders about. And panthers and stuff that we probably don't know about."

Olivia chose not to show an emotional response, choosing not to roll her eyes but to instead stoically respond, "What's your point?"

"My point," Bellamy emphasised it, sending her a frustrated look, "Is that you shouldn't go out alone next time you do that. Next time just find me and I'll-"

"-firstly, I'm careful," she cut him off, "I don't go too deep into areas with lots of panther tracks and I avoid crossing any big rivers since the one to Mount Weather seemed like a boundary of sorts. But whatever, I guess you're right. Next time I go, I'll ask Clarke to come along."

"Clarke?" Bellamy scoffed, raising his eyebrows in disbelief.

Olivia nodded, "Yeah. From what I've seen, Clarke knows what she's doing - probably more than you actually." Bellamy only shook his head in disbelief, rolling his eyes the whole time. She had to bite her lip to stop herself from smiling at his reaction, knowing that he'd wanted her to come to him. It was a strange dynamic because she simultaneously trusted him and didn't. He did things that she couldn't support but he made her want to like him and as a result, their interactions were hot and cold. At times they'd laugh and tease each other and when they weren't doing that, they'd be arguing and being at each other throats.

It took a while for them to actually find some animals, though Olivia suspected their lack of success had more to do with how loudly they were moving through the forest rather than how many animals were present in it. They lost the first few animals but it had been rather entertaining for her to watch the kids trying to wrestle a boar or sneak up on a rabbit. Eventually they found another boar, quite a distance away from camp. This time, they were actually quiet, tiptoeing closer towards it.

Bellamy staked a claim over the creature, causing Olivia to roll her eyes. The boys listened to him though, waiting patiently for him to take his shot. Right as he was about to take the shot, there was a crack from behind them - someone stepping on a branch. The suddenness of the noise startled them all and Bellamy ended up releasing his axe in the tree next to where the sound had originated from. This prompted the boar to speed away - the guys chasing after it while Bellamy, Atom and Olivia investigated the noise.

Among the branches and vines was a girl. She stood tense, looking up at the axe in surprise.

"Who the hell are you?" Bellamy asked.

The question was directed at the girl, but the answer came from Olivia, who recognised the girl and automatically answered, "Charlotte Harris." This earned her some questionable looks from the entire group. "Sorry," she smiled sheepishly, "I can't help it."

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