chapter twenty-two

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'I knew nothing but shadows,

And I thought them real.'

Oscar Wilde

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Day Twenty-Eight

Going to search for Clarke and Finn hadn't worked out at all as in instead, they'd come back with one less person. Monty had disappeared in the search and they had no idea where to. Not to mention the fact that Clarke and Finn had apparently been taken by grounders, reminding them all of the looming grounder threat over their shoulders. They seemed well and truly screwed so the next morning, it was rather tense in camp as people worked to prepare for their arrival. They hadn't slept at all that night, just busy working; the sun had yet to come up.

It was only a matter of time before someone snapped and it was Bellamy who did in the end. Sterling fell asleep on watch, accidentally firing his bullet and it sent Bellamy off. He started yelling at the whole camp about being ready for the grounders, about how the others might probably be dead and about how they would be dead too if they didn't start working. It would boost their working speed but it was also scaring the crap out of the kids.

Octavia and Raven were pissed at him but Olivia wasn't. Maybe it was because she had feelings for him and that was biasing her but she could see the fear in his eyes and she knew that he was just as scared as everyone else. Bellamy Blake may have been the big, strong leader to the camp but he was still human at the end of the day and he was petrified of what was coming for them all.

Sighing, she followed after him as he stormed into the dropship. He went to the table where they had a war model of the dropship and the surrounding area. He was leaning against it, his hands gripping the edges of the table so tightly that his knuckles went white. The only other person in the dropship with them was Myles, who was still recovering from being attacked by grounders. His erratic breathing was the only noise in the background.

"Bellamy?" Olivia called, pausing a few steps away from him. Bellamy tensed, his grip tightening but he didn't reply. She walked closer to him, resting her hand on his shoulder, "It's okay to be scared. We're up against something huge but you can't keep taking it out on camp like this - and you can't forget about what's more important. Clarke, Finn, Monty - we have to find them."

Bellamy shrugged her off, turning back to face her. He was scowling as he replied, "And if they're dead already? Then what, Oli? Look, babe, I want to find them, I do but-"

"-but you're back to trying to save your own ass?" she raised her eyebrows, "You are hiding behind these walls, Bellamy."

"I want to go after them too!" Bellamy exclaimed. He opened his mouth to say something more but stopped suddenly, his eyes going to something behind Olivia. She furrowed her eyebrows, turning to see that Jasper had entered the dropship, a scowl on his face. He was carrying a gun, his glare directed obviously at Bellamy. He went over to the desk and placed the gun down, making a large show of it. Of everyone, he was the angriest at Bellamy for not wanting to go after the others.

Jasper clenched his jaw, pausing to say, "If it was you out there, do you think Monty, Clarke or Finn would hide behind these walls?"

"No, they'd go after me," Bellamy admitted, his face like stone, "Then they'd be dead too. I am doing what I think is right for the group!"

"It's funny that you didn't think that way when Octavia went missing," Jasper scoffed as he walked over to the ladder. He mock saluted Bellamy, stating, "I'm going to get more gunpowder for your minefield, sir."

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