Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: on your way

After the stair incident, you and Tom walk outside, and his long fingers held your shoulder shortly, then, to your silent disappointment, he took them away. You take a left turn, out of habit, to go to your bus stop. You're expecting him to follow you but when you look back over your shoulder, and he's standing still, raising an eyebrow and giggling a little. Feeling slightly embarrassed, you point to the bus stop, mumbling;

"Well, aren't we going to use the bus?" you ask, hiding your face. Tom broke out in adorable, 'laughing with you' laughter.

"No, love. I have a car." he pulled out some keys from his leather jacket. He motioned his hand to follow him. Still embarrassed, you hide you face again with your hand and follow him. Tom is still giggling, and he grabs your hand. He looks sincerely at you, gazing into your eyes.

"Hey," Tom starts. Still trying to get your attention. "Everyone has their moments, darling. It's nothing to be ashamed of." he ruffled your hair, and grabbed your hand and started walking, guiding you. Tom stopped after a while in front of a car, then jumped next to the drivers seat and opened the door, unlocked the car, and before you could open yours door, Tom slid across the hood and opened it for you.

"After you, darling." he smiled sweetly. You blush, and sit in the seat. Tom closed your door, then quickly goes back to the drivers side, and sits down. Tom started the car, and backed out. You stare out the window, clouds starting to roll in. You give a huffy little sigh, and pout a little. You where really hoping for it to be a nice day!

"What's wrong, dear?" he asks, taking one hand from the wheel and and starts rubbing your shoulder.

"Oh, it's just I was really happy it was going to be nice today. Now it looks like its going to rain." you say in a whining tone. Tom laughed.

"Don't worry, love. I brought an umbrella just in case." you looked at him strangely. "I mean, it is London, you cant expect it to be sunny all of the time, right?"

"We can share." he said quickly. You smiled softly.

"Aha! We're here!" he announced. You looked up. It was a fancy looking building, but it was small. There where families eating on the outside tables. Your eyes brighten. You look over at Tom. He was staring at you with a little smile across his face, outlining his noticeable cheek bones even more. Good lord, he's handsome.

"You are very pretty." he stated. Once again, you blush, and smile.

"Th-thank you.." you stammer.

"Y-you're quite handsome yourself.." you stutter quietly. Tom smiled, and opened his door and stepped out. You open your door, just before Tom got the chance to.

"I was going to get that for you, love!" he cutely whined. You chuckled and slammed the door shut. He grabbed your arm and tugged you toward the building.

"Hello, Trisha, dear." he greeted the elderly women at the front counter. She grinned at him.

" 'Ello, Tom 'Iddleston." she replied to his hello.

"Table fer two?" she asked, grabbing two menus and a notepad.

"Yes'm." he replied. He followed her, and grabbed your arm again. She sat us at a table.


We thanked the woman known as Trisha and she gave us the menu's.

"Do ya know what yer gonna drink?" she asked. Tom nodded his head.

"The usual?" she asked. Tom nodded his head again, smiling. Trisha smiled back and scribbled in her small notebook.

"You, dear?" she looked at me.

"Oh.. Um.. The same he's having, I suppose." you explain, not even knowing what Thomas usually got.

"I'm getting Earl Grey tea with a splash of milk." he assured you, almost like he's able to read your mind.

"Delicious!" you exclaim, actually really happy about that. You loved tea, and was glad that someone else loved it too. You and Tom look through the menu.

Scrambled eggs with some bacon, yes, delicious.Trisha came back with two prettily decorated glass cups filled with steaming hot liquids.

"Careful, dearies. I's 'ot." she carefully placed the cups in front of you two.

"Do ya know what yer gonna eat?" she asked, opening her notebook again.

"I would like some Apple Crumble pudding, please." he explained. You looked at him briefly. 'Pudding? Who orders pudding as a breakfast?' you ask yourself silently. 'Maybe he already ate..' you think again.

"You, darlin'?" the women asked.

"Oh, I would like a number four, please. With a fruit salad, ma'am." you ask, handing her your menu. She writes something down in her notebook again, and grabs yours, along with Toms.

"It'll be 'ere shortly, sir 'n' ma'am." she walked off.

"Excuse me, Tom, I need to use the restroom." you stand up and walk toward the bathroom. You rush in front of the mirror, making sure you makeup was still on and that your hair was okay. You think that everything looks as okay as it had earlier, begin to wash your hands and walk out. You see Tom staring, dreamy eyed out the window. His big puppy dog eyes looked lovely. You stopped in your steps. You lean against a wall and stare at him. He really was quite handsome.

He had a lovely bone structure. He had very admirable cheek bones, and a good jaw bone. He had rosy cheeks and stubble all across his chin and upper lip. His reddish brown hair was slightly curly, and you thought it was adorable. You see him move his head slightly, so you stop staring and start walking, afraid he'll notice your gaze. You sit down across from him again, right as you sit, your food arrives! You immidiatly start eating, and the food was heavenly. Tom grabs a spoon, and eats his pudding.

"My word, I love pudding." he mumbled into the food. You giggle.

"I can see that." you say with a laugh. You try not to scarf down your food, hoping he isn't noticing your wolf-like eating skills. After a while, you both finish your food.

"Are you ready to leave yet, dear?" he asks you. You smile and nod your head.

"Trish... Trisha, ma'am!" Tom gets the attention of nearby Trisha. She glides over.

"Need an'thing more, ma'am 'n' sir?" she asked.

"No, no, Trisha dear." Tom shook his head.

"Just the check, please." Trisha nodded her head and walked off.

"Thank you, Thomas." you commented.

"For what?" he asked.

"Well.. For everything." you explain.

"For not being upset when I spilt tea all over you, that was pretty cool, and when you carried me inside my home, and now for taking me to eat. It really is too much..." You trail off, and while thinking back on all of that, you blush. Tom chucked, and grabbed your hand with his.

"I am delighted to have met you. I really am. And when you blush, it's one of the cutest things I've seen." he explained. He let go of your hand, smiling. His eyes glittered. 'It's only been two days..' you think to yourself. You bite your lower lip, and stare back into his beautiful eyes. He leaned forward, closing his eyes just slightly. His hand pushes your head forward, just slightly. You go with it. You lean forward and close your eyes. Your lips are about to make contact with his, when Trisha walks up.

" 'Eres yer check, dearie. Sorry fer ruinin' the moment, though." Trisha announced, snickering. You blush and pull back. Tom looked down and gave a half smile, biting his lower lip.

"Thanks, Trisha.." he said finally, taking the check and giving her the money.

"Thank ya, dearie. Goodbye, and don' be havin' too much fun now!" she hollered after you, as you and Tom stand up and walk out the door, laughing with Trisha.

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