Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Visiting Jamie and her Man

You awoke in the morning with the sound of your phone buzzing under your pillow. You see it's Jamie, and answer in a hoarse voice, trying not to wake Tom.

"Jamie, it's like... Six in the morning.." you whine to her.

"Six? Girl, it's noon! Aren't you going to come over with your hottie boyfriend?" she asked teasingly. You could almost see the smirk on Jamie's face and her smug wink.

"Well, ok, I'll be there in about an hour or so. I'll call you when we get there, cool?" you hang up your phone without her answer. You roll over and see Tom staring at you with large eyes, and a raised eyebrow. He had a very sexy half smirk on his face.

"When were you planning on telling me about this, love?" he asked you, propping his head up on his hand.

"Oh, yes.. I was actually going to wake you up now and uh.. Tell y-" Tom kissed you mid sentence and crawled out of the tent, and you playfully kicked his butt. He looked back and stuck his tongue out at you. You just simply laughed and followed him out. Tom helped you up, and kissed your forehead lightly. You blush and hug him. He wrapped his arms around you and led you inside.  

"Hey, Tom. I'm going to take a shower." you tell him, starting up the stairs.  

"Oh, babe, just wait please." he asks you politely. You stop and look at him, and notice a faint mischievous smile on his handsome face.  

"You know how everyone is talking about the environment, and about how we should save water.." he explained, slowly making his own way up the stairs.

"And.. How saving water would save us some money.." he continued, looking up at you with such an innocent, yet devious look.

"Maybe we should shower together?" he suggested hopefully, biting his lower lip, grabbing your hand gently. You raise an eyebrow at him, knowing his motives.

"Tom.." you start, trying not to laugh. He only looked up at you, with that precious look that makes you melt no matter what.  

"Fine." you exasperate, keeping his hand in yours and led him upstairs with you. So you start the shower, having no intention of doing anything that Tom is trying to do, for all you want to do is shower and get dressed and get the day over with. Jamie can get pretty uh.. Frisky. You and Tom enter the shower, and immediately you're yelling at Tom.

"Tom! Stop!" you shout, trying to put shampoo in your hair.

"Quit poking me with it!" you shout at him, and he only laughed.  

"Tom, I just want to shower!" you push him back slightly, smiling softly. He giggled again, showing great amusement on his face.  

"If you don't stop, no more sex for a week!" you threaten, poking a finger in his face. Toms' face immediately turned from a mischievous smile to a devastated look. You gave him a smug look and washed the shampoo out of your hair. You let Tom take care of his washing needs while you shave your legs, and after all of that, you turn and kiss Tom. You run your fingers through his wet hair, and slide on of your hands down his stomach, and run your fingernails at his v, and kiss his neck. You then look at him and, licking your lips, and pull away. You then get out of the shower, and laugh at the look on Toms' face.  

"That's not funny.." he said sullenly, turning the water off and grabbing a towel.  

"I told you." you reminded him.

"No! You said if I did it again!" he whined.

"Ah, but you were thinking of it!" you try to reassure him.

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