Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: busy afternoon

"Thank you." you tell him. "I had a nice time." you stand in the doorway with him.

"Yes, me too. I'm looking forward to our next date." he smiled affectionately.

"Next date?" you repeat in a barely audible voice. 'So it was a date..' you think to yourself.

"What?" he asked.

"Oh, nothing, it's nothing." you reply. "Do you need any help unpacking and moving?" you ask him quickly.

"Oh, it's fine, I got it under control. Only if you insist, though. And also, I'm repainting my place." he replied.

"I insist." you declare. Then you look down at your clothes. "Uh.. Right after a shower and a change in clothes.." you awkwardly say.

"Ehe, me too." Thomas agreed.

"I'll call you when you can come." he said. "Oh, that reminds me, here's my number." he said, taking out a pen and a little piece of paper. He handed it to you, and you take it.

"I'll call you. Goodbye, Tom.." you say, waving your hand as he walked away.

"Goodbye, love." he said back. You closed your door, leaning against it, smiling and biting your lip.

You strutted into your room, looking through your clothes again. Since you where going to paint, you found some old, tattered dress that you never wear and took a shower, changing afterwords.. You put your hair up into a long ponytail, and decide to apply only mascara today. You step into some old sneakers and grab your house phone. You dialled the number that Thomas had given you earlier.

"Hello?" you hear a voice say.

"Yes, hello, is this Tom Hiddleson?" you almost demand.

"Yes. Is this the pretty girl I spoke to earlier?" he asked.

"Yup! Are you ready?" you laugh.

"Almost, I just have to put some clothes on.." he laughed.

"Oh!" you laugh with him over the phone.

"Just come over in about five minutes, love. Okay?" he asked you sweetly.

"Of course, Tom." you reply.

"See you soon, goodbye!" he said. You said the same, and hung up.

Remembering you haven't eaten, and only having five minutes, you eat an apple, and start looking through your fridge, and notice that there's chocolate pudding in it. You remember Toms claim for love of pudding, so you grab a cup and hoped for the best. You finished your apple, and drank some milk. It was time to go, so you grabbed another apple for Tom and ran over. You knocked at his door.

"Come on in, love!" you hear him shout. You hear Bon Iver blasting out of the radio. Tom was already covered in paint.

"Ya read- you look very lovely! Your hair looks nice like that." he stared at you with a smile on his face, and you felt yourself blushing.

"Ya ready?" he asked you eagerly. You nodded your head, and held your hands out indicating for him to toss you a brush. Once he did, you immediately start painting the dirt covered white wall. The colour that Thomas had chosen was a very pretty shade of blue. After a while of painting, Tom came over to where you were.

"Good job.." he said, giving you a side glance.

"But..." he paused to give an exasperated sigh.

"You missed a spot." he said vaguely.

You stared at the two walls you had completed.

"Where?" you say sullenly.

"Right.. Here!" he tapped your nose with a paint covered finger.

He laughed and stepped back a little, when he saw you make a face, and shove your hands into a bucket of paint. You chase after each other, getting paint all over your clothes and faces. Both of you had blue paint in your hair and Tom had some in his stubble. Still running, he grabbed you by your waist and sat down, forcing you with him. He laid down, and you where on top of him. He suddenly kissed you passionately. Your first instinct is to pull back away from his lips, but your stop yourself. It's only been three days, and it felt like you've been with him for eternity. He put his head back down. He sat up, and you did too. You bit your lower lip. He did the same.

"Thank you." he broke the silence.

"For?" you ask.

"Helping me. And for that wonderful kiss.." he commented. You smile, stand, and hold out your hands to help him up. He takes the help, and stands.


"Hey, I still have to buy some more furniture, we can do that tomorrow?" he asked me sweetly. "Only if you want." he added quickly.

"Yea, I would love to. Oh! By the way, here's a pudding cup." you tossed him the cup of pudding you had brought with him. His eyes brightened. He almost looked like a child on Christmas day. It was quite dazzling. He immediately opens it, opens another box, and pulled out a spoon. He ate the pudding quickly.

"I just really love pudding." he remarked, staring at the empty pudding cup. He really did look like a child. He shoved the cup in a near empty box, and the spoon back in the box he had gotten it from. You look at your paint covered watch.

"Oh, lord! It's already five fifty-eight!" you shouted.

"I'm going to miss my show!" you added.

"Goodbye, Thomas. I had a lot of fun. I'll call you tomorrow." you rush out the door.

"Goodbye, love!" Tom shouted after you. "Have fun!" he yelled.

"Have fun.." he repeated to himself quietly, and sat down on a chair.

"Goodbye.." he repeted again.

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