Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: adventure back

"Sorry about that.." he apologised, after you both sat in the car.

"For what?" you ask, already knowing what he was going to say.

"For trying to... You know." he trailed off, starting to drive. You look away, bit your lower lip and smiled. You look out the window. It started pouring down rain! You pout again.

"Yes, I see, it's raining hard. That puts a damper on the rest of our plans for today." he stuck his lower lip out.

"Rest?" you ask curiously.

"Yup. The rest. I wanted to take you for a walk up by the river side." he pointed the other direction to where you were going.

"Oh.. That's a shame. I'm sorry." you say, looking at him.

"It wasn't your fault, darling." he smiled at you.

"Wait.. Oh, damn!" you shout.

"What's wrong, love?" Tom asks worryingly.

"Our apartment building door is locked and I forgot my key! Do you have one?" you ask hopelessly. Toms eyes widen.

"I.... I didn't know there was a key.. Th-the door was always open..." he stammered.

"The office people close it when it rains!" you whine. "Oh, how are we supposed to get inside?" Tom was silent for a moment.

"Well.. First we can try knocking on the door.. Then.. If that doesn't work.." he trailed off, licking his lips. "We.. We can stay in the car and perhaps spend the night in it. I actually have some pillows and blankets in the trunk, from the move." he explained. You glance at him. 'did he plan this?' you think.

Tom pulled up in front of the apartment building.

"Wait here, love." he said, putting a hand on your lap. "I'll go knock." he got out of the car, and fled toward the door. He knocked hard, and waited in the pouring rain. When no one came, he hurried to the car. He poked his head in.

"Looks like we're staying in the car!" he declared merrily.

"I'll get the pillows and blankets." he stated, closed the door again, and opened the trunk, and pulled out two big bags. He rushed back into the car, breaking them open. He handed you a large and fuzzy blanket, and a fluffy pillow. He broke open the other bag, with another blanket and pillow.

"Need your chair back, love?" he asked you.

"Oh, it's fine for now." you reply.

"Are you sure, miss?" he asked again.

"Yes, Thomas." you smiled. Tom grinned back at you, sat straight up again, and bent over the seat. He pulled a laptop out from under it, and opened it. The laptop turned on immediately, and clicked something.

"What would you like to watch, love?" he asked you.

"What? Oh.. It doesn't matter to me." you lay your head down, and pull your blanket up to your chin.

"Want to watch The Help? It's rather good." he claimed.

"Ok, whatever you want." you giggle. He started the movie, and put the laptop on the dash. He laid back, making his seat go all the way back, almost connecting with the back seats.

"Would you like me to do the same for your seat?" he asked. You nod your head.

"Please." you say quietly. He did so. Your seat, his seat, and the back seats made up one huge bed.


You don't know what time it is. Either really late, or very early. The sun wasn't even up yet. Tom was fast asleep. The laptops screen was dim. You close it, and lay back down. It was still raining hard outside, and it was cold inside. You hear a shuffle beside you, and you see that Tom is tossing and turning.

"I'm cold." you hear him whisper.

"Well, no duh Tom. You've kicked the blanket off yourself." you whisper back.

He felt around for the blanket, with closed eyes. You giggle, pull of his coat from the one arm it was still on, and drag the blanket up to his chin. You realise that you're a little too close to him, so you scoot toward the door. It was actually really cold by the window, so you immediately start shivering loudly, without control. You hope he doesn't notice.

"Why so far away, love?" he asked, opening his eyes slightly. You say nothing. He grabs you with his strong arms, and pulls you close. He nuzzled his face near yours, and you notice a little smile on his tired face. All you can do is think- 'how did I manage to get into all of this?' later you decide you don't care. You where about to fall asleep in the arms of the most handsome man in the world. And you were fine with that. Just you... And him.


You awake again, this time, by Tom shaking you gently.

"Wake up, love. I have to ask you something." you hear a gentle whisper. You open your eyes, and see Toms face, just inches from yours.

"Is something the matter?" you slowly sit up against the door.

"It is still raining, and the door still isn't unlocked. One of my friends said we can go and stay at his house. Only if you want to. We can stay here for the rest of the night." he said.

"Oh..." you yawned. "What time is it?" you asked sleepily.

"Oh, it's uh.. Five in the morning." he announced.

"Really?" you say, not really listening.

"Yes, dear. Would you like to go?"

"Um...." you say for a bit. "Let's... Let's.. Let's uh.. Stay here." you say, and lay down again. Tom chuckled, and laid with you. He put his arm over your waist again, holding you close and keeping you warm. He kissed your nose lightly.

"Goodnight... Love." he whispered. You fell asleep again, not knowing if he had said anything else. You didn't care. This man was simply.. Remarkable.


You awoke once more, and notice that the rain has lightened a little. Tom was sitting up, watching a movie.

"Oh, good morning, love!" he greeted you. You rub the sleep out of your eyes and sit up against the door again. Tom had a large grin across his face, showing his teeth. You crawl over to lean on the back seats instead. Tom did the same. He holds you hand, and kisses it again. You blush *again.*

"Stop being so nice." you tell him, frowning a little.

"Would you rather me rude and dishonest?" he chuckled.

"Well, no, but you don't need to be so nice all the time," you state. "it really isn't necessary."

"Ah, but it is!" Tom declared. "Otherwise, you wouldn't want to stay with me." he remarked. You glance at him.

"Oh..." you say slowly. You put your head on his broad shoulder. There's a loud knock on the window. It was a man in a suit, yelling. You two hadn't noticed that it stopped raining entirely.

"YA NEED TO MOVE YOUR CAR." he shouted. You both nodded your head, and scooted up to the front seat. Tom rolled down the window.

"Of course sir, we'll do that now." the man and Tom smiled at each other, and the man walked back inside. Tom made both of the seats come back up, put the laptop away, and started the car. He parked it in the car park, opened his door, and you still had your eyes barely open. He pulled open your door for you, and helped you out. He held your arm, and walked into the building. He helped you up the two flights and into your room.

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