Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: at home.

After you had watched your show, you remember that you are covered in paint. You take your hair down, wash your hair and face; changing from your paint covered clothes into pyjamas, you look at the time.
"Oh, it's only seven o'clock." you quietly remark to yourself, deciding its time to make something to eat. Your turn on the stove, and make some rice and chicken. As you’re eating, you watch some old Doctor Who episodes.
        "Oh, David Tennant. Stop being so adorable without me." you sigh. Then you think about Tom; you already had a handsome English man who’s so incredibly charming you’re surprised he hasn’t charmed your socks off yet! Giggling like a fourteen year old girl, you think about the kiss; ah, such a very good kiss. You couldn't wait until tomorrow. As the time passed, you got more and more tired, glance at the clock and see the time has slowly glided to just eight o’clock. Upon deciding to go to bed early, you think of Tom. You imagine his long arms hugging at your waist. His deep, slow, even breathing. Now you longed for him. You couldn't help it. He really is amazing.


        After your morning ritual of eating cheap off-brand cereal and greek yogurt, you take a shower, thrilled about seeing Tom again today. Nervous still about your date, you spend an unreasonable amount of time deciding what to wear; finally choosing a flowy red skirt and a black blouse. You wait for Tom to either call you or knock on your door. To kill time, jump on your couch and turn on some morning cartoons. Time passes by. It's almost noon already. You sigh, and decide that he wasn't going to come today. Sulking, you mournfully shuffle into the kitchen to make lunch when suddenly- the phone rings! Rushing towards the phone you stumble, and almost crawl your way toward the phone. You grab it off the table, and answer, still on the ground.  

"H-hello?" you ask breathlessly.
"Hello love. It's me, Tom." you jump up and grin wildly.  
"I just got back from the furniture store, sorry for the wait, darling. I should've called you earlier," he continued.
"Oh, psh, no worries Tom." you say, acting as though you weren't staring at the phone almost the whole day.
"I just need to bring up the bags and wood and stuff," he said.
"Need help?" you pipe up.
"Only if you want to!" Tom says in a gentle voice.
"Ok! I'll meet you at the door!" you eagerly hang up the phone, stick on your flats, and run down stairs. You see him standing there, wearing a purple dress shirt and, once again, wearing tight black pants. He had a big bundle of things that you couldn’t recognize.
"Hello, love." he smiled brilliantly at you. Smiling back, you rush to help him. "You know, you really don’t have to help," he said. You bit your lip and smiled.  
"No worries!" you feel yourself smile ridiculously, so you look away.  "Oh! Wait! Maybe we can ask for use of the lift?" you shout, almost dropping your side of the heavy wood.  

"Good idea!" Tom agreed.  

"Let me ask, hold on a bit, Thomas." you run off toward the main office. Sitting behind a large wooden desk was a big woman with a very lined face. She was messing with paper, and looked over at you over the top rim of her glasses.

"Is there something I can get for you?" she asked. She had an Irish accent. You nod your head.

"The man that just moved in, him and I are wondering if you may use the lift to bring up his furniture.." you say quietly. She looked at you, and back at her papers, shuffling and straightening them. She pulled out a paper from a drawer and started reading it. She opened her lips as though about to say something. She closed them again. You shift around impatiently. The women put the paper away and looked at you.  

"Well..." she began, and stood up. "The paper says its only made for people with disabilities;" she paced around, opened a closet, and dug around.  
"But since no one in this building is physically disabled, I'll let it slide." she smiled and tossed you a key. "Just don't tell anyone." she winked at you, and walked back to her desk.

"Oh, thank you so much, ma'am!" you say gratefully. You smile at her and dash out.  
"I got the key!" you say in a sing-song voice.

"Fantastic!" Tom exclaimed, grabbing the wood and throwing it over his shoulder, carrying it like it was just a bag of feathers, glancing over at you and winking.

"Show off..." you frown, laughing at him. He made a face at you and smiled. You use the key to open the elevator, and let him go in first.  


You and Tom got all of the supplies up to his room, then return the key to the woman. You walk into Toms house and see already spread out the materials to make the bed. He was sitting in the floor, staring at a pamphlet that came with it. Once he saw you, he looked up and smiled sweetly.

"Do you speak German?" he asked you.
"Uh... No..." you answer. He bit his lip and frowned. "Why?" you ask quickly. Tom looked at you with a raised eyebrow.
"Because..." he started. "The instructions are in German..." he slowly explained. You laughed. Tom started laughing with you.

"Well. I guess we have to- what do they say in America? Yellow?" Tom looks up at you with a furrowed brow.
“Yellow?” you ask, wondering what in the blue blazes that could mean in America. But then- “Oh! Yolo! You only live once?”
“Ah, yes! You only live once! Yolo!” Tom laughs and stands. “We’ll have to yolo it, my dear.” He leans in and kisses your forehead as you laugh at his little knowledge for American slang.
"Just guess what's right or not." he explained, picking up a piece of wood.

     You hold up another piece of wood to it, and together you made one corner of the bed. You and Thomas did the same for the next three corners. He flips the bed frame over, and grabs a small stub of wood, and attached it to a corner. You did the same. You finally finish the bed frame, and now it was time to put the mattress on. You help Thomas put it on, and the second you do, the bed fell apart. You stifle your laughter, and look at Tom. Glancing up at you, he signed. Worried that he was going to be angry, you walk toward him, and put a hand on his tall shoulder. He grabbed your hand, and started cracking up, laughing his ridiculously adorable laugh. Feeling relieved, you start laughing with him. He looked directly into your eyes.  

"Ehehehe, I guess we have to start over." he announced. You noticed that whenever he laughed, he stuck his tongue out, just to his teeth, and made an 'Ehehehe' sound. It really was quite adorable. You agreed. It was a long, long day.

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