Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: The Lovely Ball

Tom drove you and himself to a large, lighted building. There were tons cars in the front of the building, and women in fancier garb. You feel a little out shined, so you shift uncomfortably.

"Baby.." Tom grabbed your black gloved hand, with his hand.

"You are so beautiful." he told you, seeming as though capable of reading all of your thoughts. You looked at him bashfully, and he glanced at you with a soft and loving smile.

"I love you." he said quietly. Tom squeezed your hand a little tighter. You bit your lip.

"I love you, too, Thomas William Hiddleston." you used his full name, patting his hand.

"Why the full name?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"To let you know I love you, and only you." you explained, gripping his hand back. Tom pulled to the front of the building, where a valet paused next to the car, helping you out.

"You look lovely, Miss." the rather handsome man told you, squeezing your hand lightly. You blushed, and thanked him. Tom gave him a little look of warning, then smiled and handed the man the keys. You walked inside with Tom, hand in hand. Women's heads turned to marvel at your amazingly dashing man. You stared daggers at every one of them.  

"Relax, my dear. It's just a ball." he whispered at you. You look up at him, with a face showing irritant. Tom laughed and kissed your forehead lightly. You roll your eyes and make your way to the dance floor, but not before marvelling at the wondrous building that your man had taken you to. It was tall, big, and bright.

There was beautiful paintings hung from the walls, and a six-membered orchestra on a small stage in the far right corner. They played beautiful music. There was couples dancing in the middle of the floor. Tom rushed to the dance floor excitedly, dragging you along with him. You and him immediately started dancing amongst the crowds, smiling and laughing. After what felt like two hours of dancing, you leaned into Toms' arms, relying on him to hold you up. He laughed, gave you a little kiss, and picked you up. Envious eyes of other women glared at you two. You sort of smirked at tried to flirt with Tom even more, but you knew he saw through your act. He plunked you down on a chair and sat next to you. He ordered drinks and talks to you about all of his interesting visits to different countries. You're incredibly tired, so you only half listen. Your tall glass of champagne arrives and you take a few sips. Your head almost immediately starts buzzing do you put the glass down. You never were a hefty drinker; that's just not how you are. After about thirty more minutes, Tom decides its late and time to go. When you step outside, it went from slightly dim out, when you arrived, to pitch black. The stars and moon light the night like a candle, giving everything some sort of romantically eerie glow.

"Thank you, my love." you tell Tom, as he is seating you in his car.  

"No, thank you. For everything." he replied, sitting down in the drivers seat. He drove up the road, but instead of taking a left, where you lived, he kept straight.

"Tom?" you ask. He gives you a quick glance, indicating that you had his attention, before settling his gaze back on the road.

"Where are we going?" you ask Tom.

"It's a surprise." he told you. Understanding his wish of being mysterious, you leave it at that. He drove for about an hour. You doze off a bit, and suddenly Tom is waking you up.

"We're here!" he stated excitedly. You open your eyes and look to see the whole city of London, staring up at you. All the lights glowed and flickered through the cold darkness. You gasped.

"It's... Beautiful!" you shout, getting out of the car.  

"Are we spending the night in the car?" you almost shout the question. Tom laughed, walked toward you, put an arm around you and sighed deeply.  

"Are we?" you ask impatiently.

"Yes! Goodness, love! Impatient much?" he teased. You hit him in the chest lightly and kissed his nose. Tom took the hood down from his car, took the blankets out again. Instead of laying the seats back, you just huddled in Toms' arms. He didn't put a movie on his laptop. All you two did was talk. After a long moments silence, you turn on the radio. Enrique Iglesias' song 'Hero' was just starting. Great! Music to fit the moment!

This song was playing at your parents wedding-- they didn’t get married when you were born, they wanted you to remember and come to it; so they married when you were 10 years old; letting you be the flower girl.

You remember how much your mother loved this song; she’d play it constantly and you miss her; its been years since you’ve visited them. Maybe you should visit them soon?

"Oh! I love this song! Sh!" he shouted, turning up the radio. He sounded just like your mother. You cuddled even closer to Tom, burying your face in his chest. The song finally finished, and immediately afterwards, the song Hallelujah, by Jeff Buckley came on the radio. Damn. That song is beautiful. Near the end of the song, Tom sat up. He cupped your head in his hands, forcing you to look at him.  

"You, my love," he started, licking his lips slowly.

"Are my hallelujah. My everything. I don't know what I would do if anything have ever happened to you again. I know that what happened two years ago was my fault-"

"It wasn't your fault, To-" Tom covered your mouth by extending his thumb to your lips.

"It was. I was wallowing in self pity and ignored you for selfish reasons. If I had not have done that, it wouldn't have ever have to happen to you." Toms' eyes were glowing, glittered, lighted with passionate love for you. They also seemed to be getting wet. You realise, that he is on the verge of tears. Your eyes water too, and he held you in his arms, pressing against his body tightly.

He started rubbing you back, and kissed you hard on your forehead. You start sobbing into his chest, from pain, loss, suffering, love, passion, and will. This man, this interesting man, has changed your life. If Tom did ever leave you, you believed that your world would just fall apart completely. Tom had changed your life so drastically, in such a assiduous way, you really don't have the slightest clue on what you would do if Tom ever did leave. You loved him so much. Thomas Hiddleston was the best thing that ever happened to you. You hugged him back, and didn't want to let go.

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