Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: rushed morning

"Wake up, goodness!" Tom shouts at you, shaking you. You widen your eyes, and bolt up.  

"What is it, Tom? What happened?" you squeal, rushing out of the bed.

"You need to get ready! Our flight leaves in three hours!" Tom looked at his wristwatch.  

"Tom! I actually thought something bad happened, you loon!" you shout at him, hitting him gently. Tom was already dressed, and his hair was slightly wet, implying he had taken a shower. You grab some clothes and take a shower. You today, we're wearing a black knee high skirt, white leggings, and had accidentally grabbed one of Toms' white dress shirt. But it looked super cute on you, so you put it on. You walk out of the bathroom, and are immediately feeling Tom staring at you.

"That's mine.." he said, glancing at his shirt. You make a guilty look and mess with the shirt.

"I'm sorry, it just looked super cute with my outfit today.." you say, unbuttoning the shirt.  

"No, love, it's fine. You can keep it-" you tossed the shirt at Tom, now standing in your bra. Tom laughed, pulled the shirt off his head, and bit his lip.  

"That's not proper Airplane attire.." Tom said jokingly. You raise your eyebrow and smile.  

"You're right. Too much coverage?" you take off your bra. Tom giggles and looks at his feet, then back at you. He walks towards you, and you tackled him with kisses and hugs. He kisses back, then looks at his watch.

"No, there isn't enough time." Tom pulled away, tossing you back your bra. You frown and put your bra back on. You raid your closet, or what's left of it from packing. You find a rather large box, and open it. It was just a white dress with a peter-pan collar and a black ribbon tied around the waist; something Jaime had gotten you years ago. It came with cute black ballet shoes that had little bows on them. Stepping out of the closet, Toms eyes lit up.

"You look spectacular!" he said, resting his hands on your shoulder.  

"Thanks!" you say, looking down at your outfit.

"Very beautiful." Tom said, looking at you up and down. You smile and kiss his nose, and hop to the bathroom. You put on lipgloss and tie your hair into a bun. Tom looked so cute today, he was wearing his black leather pants today, a white shirt and leather jacket. That was one of his usual outfits, for he only had about six.  

"Ready?" he asked you. You nodded your head and picked up purring Ivory.  

"Did you give her any food and water?" you ask.

"I gave one of my friends an extra key to feed her." Tom explained.



"Have I met him?"

"He was the man with the eyepatch and stubble at our last party."

"Oh yes! I haven't talked to him in a while. An interesting man." you kiss Ivory's nose and put her back down. Then you and Tom grab your bags and walk to the car and pack. The drive to the airport was about forty minutes, and security check and all that jazz was about an hour. You make it to your plane a little early.  

"Tom?" you ask, leaning your head on his shoulder.  

"Yes?" he replies

"Why are we going to America to see fireworks? We do have displays in London, too.. Just on different days.."  

"I just wanted to see them. With you. That's all." Tom kissed the top of your head. Tom grabbed your hand and you steadily fell asleep.

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